[Cfrg] CFRG side meeting on re-keying in Chicago
Alexey Melnikov <alexey.melnikov@isode.com> Sat, 25 March 2017 17:21 UTC
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Subject: [Cfrg] CFRG side meeting on re-keying in Chicago
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Dear CRFG participants, While CFRG is not meeting in Chicago, there will be a 1 hour design-type meeting to talk about re-keying. Below is information about this meeting: When: On Thursday, March 30th, 10:30am-11:30am Where: BIANCO room of the meeting hotel (3rd Floor). This is IESG Breakout Room. Should the re-keying discussion finish early, other CFRG related topics may be discussed. If you have a topic, please reply to this email or to me directly. Thank you, Alexey, as a CFRG co-chair.
- [Cfrg] CFRG side meeting on re-keying in Chicago Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [Cfrg] CFRG side meeting on re-keying in Chic… Stanislav V. Smyshlyaev
- Re: [Cfrg] CFRG side meeting on re-keying in Chic… Stanislav V. Smyshlyaev