Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for TLS WG
"D. J. Bernstein" <> Fri, 01 August 2014 01:37 UTC
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Paterson, Kenny writes: > Would selecting curves that are not in Weierstrass form materially > slow down deployment? It wouldn't slow down deployment at all. As explained in detail in my "curves, coordinates, and computations" message, Montgomery curves and Edwards curves are trivially expressed in short-Weierstrass form, so they are fully compatible with standards such as ECDSA, and they allow all of the usual implementation options. These curves _also_ enable additional implementation options and better protocol designs---additional computations and coordinates---helping to minimize tensions between speed, security, and simplicity. For example, the Montgomery ladder is the simplest DH algorithm in all of ECC, and in combination with sensible engineering (always set the high bit of the scalar, choose twist-secure curves, use protocols that suppress the y-coordinate) it removes many opportunities for implementors to screw up security. Similarly, complete Edwards addition simplifies signatures. The obvious conclusion is that every new curve should support the _coordinates_ required for these additional options. What this means is that the curve has a unique point of order 2 and points of order 4. Any such curve can be expressed in Edwards form _and_ can be expressed in Montgomery form _and_ can be expressed in short-Weierstrass form. > What is the cost of keeping backwards compatibility with existing > defined point formats in RFC 4492, if any, for different curve shapes > (Edwards, twisted Edwards, Montgomery, Weierstrass-only form)? Adding new formats would provide only a small gain in efficiency (see my "curves, coordinates, and computations" message) but a larger gain in simplicity. For DH protocols I recommend the Montgomery x-coordinate, allowing remarkably simple DH implementations. Signatures are inherently more complicated, with two scalars inside verification; for signatures I recommend Edwards coordinates to simplify the resulting additions. Both of these encoding choices are compatible with top speed but are amply justified by simplicity. > If ephemeral really means ephemeral, what are the implications for the > mix of fixed-base/variable-base computations in ECDHE and what, if any, > are the implications for the choice of curve type? In the setting of one-time DH keys, both fixed-base and variable-base computations are frequent. For all curves one can easily make fixed-base a few times faster than variable-base; the exact speedup depends mainly on the amount of precomputation. A poor choice of curve (cofactor 1) slows down both of these operations by a factor of roughly 1.5. A poor choice of prime (e.g., the P-256 prime) creates another big slowdown. Details of the performance considerations have been amply explored in the literature, leading to the conclusion that what one wants for performance is a curve with a unique point of order 2 and points of order 4---fortunately matching what one wants for simplicity. > Correspondingly, what are the implications for our choices if we accept > that ephemeral reuse is the expected behaviour? I think it's important to be careful with terminology here. The TLS advertisement of "perfect forward secrecy" seems dangerously deceptive when keys are in fact not erased for days or months (see Keeping keys around for an unlimited-length session, or even for a single unlimited-length connection, is clearly not the right policy. The fundamental question here is not whether keys are reused, but how much time is allowed to elapse before keys are erased. I'm told that the default time for Microsoft products is two hours. This strikes me as much too long. I'd suggest 10 seconds as an upper limit. I realize that many protocols need to be changed to do this properly, but it's a target to shoot for. But what about the people who really want to save keygen time by reusing DH keys? Won't they object to the 10-second upper limit? The good news: 1 keygen is unnoticeable next to (say) 100 variable-base computations, even if the keygen is implemented as a variable-base computation without any special fixed-base code. So these people don't actually have any performance incentive to use a DH key more than 100 times. The only ways to stretch 100 DH invocations across 10 seconds are * to use a very slow device or * to use a faster device that isn't actually spending much of its time on DH, so there's little reason to worry about keygen. A few data points regarding "very slow device": I'm not talking about a typical smartphone/tablet CPU such as a 1GHz Cortex-A8 (20000 Curve25519 computations in 10 seconds). I'm talking about, e.g., a 16Mhz ATmega2560 microcontroller. The Hutter--Schwabe AVR implementation of Curve25519 takes 1.4 seconds on this CPU---but this still means that 10 seconds is enough time for a keygen plus several variable-base computations. Obviously the performance impact of reusing DH keys is to emphasize variable-base computations. In the opposite direction, signing emphasizes fixed-base computations, while verification emphasizes double-base computations. As for implications, surely CFRG should consider the performance of each of these important computations, should consider the simplicity of implementations focused on one type of computation, and should consider the simplicity of implementations handling more types of computations. But I don't expect this broad view to create conflicts in curve choices; it's more a matter of confirming that one curve works well everywhere. I do recommend considering, separately from performance and simplicity of good implementations, the extent to which performance and simplicity can be improved by _bad_ implementations. Such improvements create an incentive towards bad implementations and are therefore anti-desiderata. Examples of "bad": * implementations that don't handle all valid inputs correctly; * implementations that damage security when the attacker supplies invalid inputs; * variable-time implementations. There are two reasons to highlight timing attacks rather than power attacks, EM attacks, acoustic attacks, etc.: first, timing is naturally visible through the Internet; second, I highly doubt that considering side-channel attacks beyond timing will affect any curve decisions. > Do the current proposals (Curve25519 and friends, and the NUMS curves) > provide an adequate degree of rigidity that is likely to satisfy the > widest set of commentators? This sounds to me like an evaluation question, not a requirements question. I do think that limiting the curve designer's wiggle room belongs on the list of desiderata, for reasons explained in the following documents: (page 21) However, the following recent analysis shows that the Brainpool curves, which were advertised as "generated in a systematic and comprehensive way" covering several different security levels, actually gave the curve generator the flexibility to secretly choose from among more than 1000000 curves for any particular prime: I would therefore advise against stating any desiderata in terms of unjustified marketing terminology such as "nothing up my sleeves" or "generated in a systematic and comprehensive way" or "generated deterministically from the security level". The actual question here is quantitative: how many different curves could a malicious curve generator have fooled the public into accepting? > Or should we be thinking about generating > fresh curves using a public process having verifiably random inputs? What > would the likely impact be on performance? The impact depends on exactly which class of curves is chosen, raising the question of what manipulation is possible through this choice---I would guess more than the manipulation possible for any of the proposals that are on the table so far. Dan Brown claims that choosing random curves (in some unspecified class) is safer than choosing "special" curves. He says that this claim is justified by "special" MOV-vulnerable curves and "special" SmartASS-vulnerable curves. However, he ignores * the fact that we always take "special" curves with unusually small cofactors, and believe these to be more secure than random curves; * the fact that we now take even more "special" curves that also have unusually small twist cofactors, for the same reason; and * five further counterexamples in Section 11 of a 2008 paper by Koblitz, Koblitz, and Menezes ( in these five examples, under perfectly believable hypotheses, random curve choices are _less_ secure than "special" curves. Koblitz, Koblitz, and Menezes conclude that "either choice has risks" and that the ultimate decision is "a subjective one based on the user's best guess about future vulnerabilities." ---Dan
- [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for TLS … Paterson, Kenny
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Watson Ladd
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Russ Housley
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … D. J. Bernstein
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Dan Brown
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Ilari Liusvaara
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Robert Ransom
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Johannes Merkle
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Johannes Merkle
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Alyssa Rowan
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Johannes Merkle
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Watson Ladd
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Dan Brown
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Johannes Merkle
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Watson Ladd
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Dan Brown
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Dan Brown
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Watson Ladd
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Andy Lutomirski
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Dan Brown
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Mike Hamburg
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Andrey Jivsov
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … D. J. Bernstein
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Michael Hamburg
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Watson Ladd
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … D. J. Bernstein
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Andrey Jivsov
- Re: [Cfrg] Progress on curve recommendations for … Michael Hamburg