[Cfrg] Does the Curve25519 Montgomery ladder always work?
"D. J. Bernstein" <djb@cr.yp.to> Sun, 31 August 2014 08:42 UTC
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The Montgomery ladder is a remarkably simple, fast, constant-time algorithm for single-scalar multiplication on Curve25519. (Everything I'm saying applies more broadly to any Montgomery curve y^2 = x^3+Ax^2+x where A^2-4 is non-square, i.e., where there is a unique point of order 2.) Here's the Montgomery-ladder code that I displayed in Toronto: x2,z2,x3,z3 = 1,0,x1,1 for i in reversed(range(255)): bit = 1 & (n >> i) x2,x3 = cswap(x2,x3,bit) z2,z3 = cswap(z2,z3,bit) x3,z3 = ((x2*x3-z2*z3)^2,x1*(x2*z3-z2*x3)^2) x2,z2 = ((x2^2-z2^2)^2,4*x2*z2*(x2^2+A*x2*z2+z2^2)) x2,x3 = cswap(x2,x3,bit) z2,z3 = cswap(z2,z3,bit) return x2*z2^(p-2) I commented in my talk that this code _always_ works. The input scalar n can be _any_ integer between 0 and 2^255-1; the 255-bit limit here is specified by the i loop. The input coordinate x1 can be _any_ integer. One can always view x1 modulo p as X0(Q) for exactly two points Q on the curve over F_{p^2}. The Curve25519 paper proves that this code always maps Q to nQ, i.e., that the output is X0(nQ) for both points Q. (The function X0 is the same as the usual Montgomery X-coordinate, except that it maps the point at infinity to 0. The two points Q having X0(Q)=0 are the point at infinity and (0,0), the unique point of order 2; these are on the curve over F_p and are simultaneously on the twist over F_p. When x is nonzero in F_p, the two points Q having X0(Q)=x are (x,+-sqrt(x^3+Ax^2+x)); these are both on the curve over F_p if x^3+Ax^2+x is a square in F_p, and are both on the twist otherwise.) Microsoft has issued various statements claiming that this code does not always work. For example, Patrick Longa has claimed that "when computing the Montgomery ladder in constant time there is a potential failure case if the scalar matches 0 (mod r) or 0 (mod râ), where r and râ are the prime orders of the subgroups generated on the Montgomery curve and its quadratic twist, respectively." Executive summary of this message: The Microsoft claims are incorrect. There are no failure cases. The Montgomery ladder always works for these curves, always computing scalar multiplication correctly, exactly as stated in the Curve25519 paper. I've carefully reviewed the underlying Microsoft arguments and will dispose of them here; I'll also comment on a tangential high-bit issue. The critical Microsoft error is in http://eprint.iacr.org/2014/130.pdf, in the middle of page 17, which claims that "there are some scalar/point combinations which could produce exceptions." The paragraph goes on to specifically consider multiplying * a point of prime order r' on the twist by * a scalar that's a multiple of r'. The simple fact is that the result of this multiplication is 0, just like multiplying a point of order r by the scalar r, or multiplying any point by 0. This is not an exception: it is exactly what the definition of scalar multiplication means for these inputs, and it is exactly what any working implementation will produce. The code works correctly in this case, as it does in all other cases. The paragraph also claims that 37 is a weak key, because an attacker who sees you output 37P given P can see that your scalar was 37 (modulo the order of P). One could of course make the same claim about any scalar--- for example, the Microsoft paragraph actually makes the same argument for r' rather than 37---demonstrating that the claim has nothing to do with security. Relevant quote from the Ed25519 paper: _Weak keys._ Forgeries are trivial if A is a known multiple of B. For example, an attacker who knows that A = 37B can ... As an even more extreme example, an attacker who knows that A = 0B can ... We could declare that 0B and 37B are "broken" by these two "attacks" and that users must check for, and reject, these "weak keys"; but the same confused logic would require rejecting _all_ keys in _all_ cryptosystems, and would have no relevance to the standard definition of signature security. Declaring a scalar to be "weak" does not mean that it is actually weak. More to the point, even if Microsoft can come up with a definition of "leak" to fit its claim that a DH output of 0 would "leak information to an attacker", there's no justification for the claim that this output is an "exception" to the scalar-multiplication routine. The Microsoft document goes on to refer to this correct example of scalar multiplication as a "problem" with the Montgomery ladder, and to claim that this "problem" is "overcome" by the choice of scalars in what I'm now suggesting to call X25519, the widely deployed DH function recommended in the Curve25519 paper. It's true that X25519 restricts the choice of scalars, by always setting the high bit and clearing the bottom 3 bits. But this has nothing to do with imaginary exceptions in this scalar-multiplication method: it's designed to protect implementors who accidentally end up with other scalar-multiplication methods. For example, as I mentioned in Toronto, many sources present a variable-size Montgomery ladder that takes time proportional to the position of the high bit of the scalar. This is still correct but it takes variable time---a variation that disappears when the high-bit position is prespecified. As a fancier example, there are many common short-Weierstrass scalar-multiplication methods for which the X25519 choices avoid the point at infinity, rescuing an implementor who (1) uses those methods but (2) screws up the handling of infinity. Slide 31 of http://cr.yp.to/talks/2005.09.20/slides.pdf mentions that setting this high bit "avoids infinity and avoids timing attacks". This was six years before http://eprint.iacr.org/2011/232.pdf extracted keys from exactly this timing leak in OpenSSL. Setting this high bit obviously restricts the range of scalars, but the security impact of such restrictions has been thoroughly analyzed in the literature. Range restrictions on _signature nonces_ are troublesome; the simplest way to avoid all trouble is to generate many extra bits (e.g., Ed25519 uses 512 bits). Small range restrictions on _secret keys_ are completely different---they're protected by an ECC feature called "random self-reducibility". For example, if there's a subroutine to compute discrete logs known to be between 2^254 and 2^255-1, then the following algorithm will compute _any_ 255-bit discrete log: 0. Do the following two steps in a random order. 1. Try the subroutine on the target point Q. 2. Try the subroutine on Q + 2^254 B, where B is the generator. This algorithm takes either 1 or 2 iterations of the subroutine, on average 1.5 iterations, no matter what Q is. The hardness of computing discrete logs for arbitrary curve points thus implies the hardness of computing discrete logs known to have the 254th bit set, except for a time factor limited to 1.5. Similar comments apply to lower-probability subroutines, variable-time subroutines, etc.: the hardness is provably identical within a probability factor of 2. For known attacks the factor is much closer to 1 ("kangaroo" attacks have worse constants than "rho" attacks), and for X25519 the gap provably disappears since X25519 hides the sign of y, but in any case the gap is guaranteed to be very small. The Microsoft paper states that "less than half" of the multiples of B are "possible outputs" of scalar multiplication using the restricted scalar range. This is true but deceptive---it suggests that there is a security question without acknowledging that the answer to the question is already known. The Microsoft paper doesn't cite any of the literature on this topic, and also doesn't acknowledge the relevant comments in the original Curve25519 paper. ---Dan
- [Cfrg] Does the Curve25519 Montgomery ladder alwa… D. J. Bernstein