Re: [Cfrg] [Eligibility-discuss] "Additional Criteria"
Ted Lemon <> Fri, 31 July 2020 21:19 UTC
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Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2020 17:19:13 -0400
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Subject: Re: [Cfrg] [Eligibility-discuss] "Additional Criteria"
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On Jul 31, 2020, at 5:04 PM, Michael StJohns <> wrote: > Yes, but for example <> is an IETF community working group mailing list, and <> is an IETF community mailing list - need I go on? Apparently, because I have no idea what your concern is. Do you mean that if people participate in RGs, that doesn’t qualify them for nomcom? Well then either we include RG mailing lists in the set, or we decide that indeed participating in RGs doesn’t qualify you for nomcom. This is just a decision to make—there’s nothing inherently difficult about it. > Why is X on the list of qualified people - not why is X on the mailing list.... in any event, is "+1" a contribution? Is "this idea is stupid for [list of reasons that have been debunked many many many times]" a contribution? If so, I can automate a random +1 or -1 to be sent to the list every say 10 topics. > Yes, you can. If people really want to kill the IETF, they can automate bots to kill the IETF. This is possible now—it just isn’t happening because nobody is motivated to do it. I agree that this is a potential attack surface, but there are things we can do about it: maybe we need to only allow addresses registered in the datatracker? Maybe only addresses registered in the datatracker that are for people who attended online or in person? If we’re so concerned that this is going to happen that we think it’s urgent to prevent it, that would make it a lot harder. > But regardless, what you miss with your criteria are actual contributions: private notes to the WG chair, or back and forths with the authors on a document, or, for the GITHUB based WGs, you might miss pull requests or comments in the issues trackers. Or the document that the contributor was working on is awaiting an action by the WG chair, by the AD, or by the RPC. I don't find your criteria either useful or all that related to the concept of "contributing”. You know, this is starting to feel like a pissing contest. Yes, what I suggested doesn’t capture every contribution, but it does capture an important type of contribution. Yes, it can be gamed. And the gaming can be mitigated. My concern is that right now we are headed in the direction of valorizing “showed up for the meeting” above “participated on the mailing list” and I’d like to address that. If you think participating on the mailing list doesn’t matter, why are you responding here?
- Re: [Cfrg] [Eligibility-discuss] "Additional Crit… Michael StJohns
- Re: [Cfrg] [Eligibility-discuss] "Additional Crit… Ted Lemon
- Re: [Cfrg] [Eligibility-discuss] "Additional Crit… Richard Outerbridge
- Re: [Cfrg] [Eligibility-discuss] "Additional Crit… denis bider