Re: [Cfrg] Interest in an "Ed25519-HD" standard?

Tony Arcieri <> Wed, 22 March 2017 20:47 UTC

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From: Tony Arcieri <>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2017 13:47:33 -0700
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Subject: Re: [Cfrg] Interest in an "Ed25519-HD" standard?
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On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 9:00 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker <
> wrote:

> You can do hierarchical key derivation in Montgomery without the need for
> an add.
> Say your master key is x. To generate a key for site '' we
> take
> xs = (x + H('')) mod q
> Where q is the sub group order.
> In fact that isn't really using any EC relevant operation at all. Perhaps
> I am not understanding the full requirements for the scheme.

One of the goals of the scheme is unlinkability: given a set of candidate
keys, some of which are children of the same parent key, and others
randomly generated, an attacker should not be able to do better than chance
in determining which keys in the candidate set have the same parents.

For example, Tor hidden services will be identified by constantly rotating
"epoch keys". To find the "epoch key" for a given hidden service, a user in
possession of the parent public key derives a child key offline from the
parent key. However, it'd be undesirable for someone not in possession of
the parent key to be able to link the child epoch keys together and
enumerate hidden services without knowledge of their parent public keys.

In your scheme, given z=H(""), and a parent key xG, the derived
child key would be (x+z)G. To recover the original parent public key, you
can simply subtract out zG and recover xG. To prevent this from happening
we need to use an operation which is not easily reversible, hence

Tony Arcieri