Re: [Cfrg] Point validation in TLS 1.3

"Paterson, Kenny" <> Wed, 30 November 2016 23:07 UTC

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From: "Paterson, Kenny" <>
To: Dan Brown <>, Eric Rescorla <>, cfrg <>
Thread-Topic: [Cfrg] Point validation in TLS 1.3
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Hi Dan,

Thanks for sharing your views.

I'd appreciate hearing from interested CFRG participants on whether
implementing this "MAY" would bring meaningful additional security benefit
for implementations or not.



On 30/11/2016 18:19, "Dan Brown" <> wrote:

>Hi Eric and Kenny,
>Please consider adding a MAY for the redundant ("belts and suspenders")
>combination of point validation and Montgomery ladder (X25519).
>Significant costs of this redundant combination are its being
>approximately 10% slower in each DH computation and its extra code.
>A small benefit of this redundant combination is its being potentially
>minutely securer (see * below).
>A user or an implementer should only want this combination when the extra
>cost is somehow negligible (for example, in comparison to other large
>costs) because the benefits are likely close to negligible.
>The user and implementer should be well-informed to make a useful
>decision.  The work of preparing a clear guidance in the RFC on cost
>(significant) and benefits (insignificant) might outweigh the benefit of
>having a MAY in the RFC.
>Best regards,
>	Dan
>(*) Here's how I think (for now) that directly rejecting twist-points on
>top of X25519 might minutely improve security:
>- a denial of service attack consisting of just sending random strings as
>points is better resisted,
>- a user of the implementation can be more confident that something fishy
>doesn't happen if twisted points are received (the user can delay
>inspecting the internal of the implementation and just examine its
>- validation is to be done on the public inputs received, before any
>secrets are used, which is generally safer (more robust against
>implementation bugs).
>Again, the gain in all cases is small (at best) because each threat
>thwarted can be tweaked easily to work around to the countermeasure.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Cfrg [] On Behalf Of Paterson, Kenny
>Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 6:27 AM
>To: Eric Rescorla <>; cfrg <>
>Subject: Re: [Cfrg] Point validation in TLS 1.3
>Hi Eric,
>Thanks for giving CFRG the chance to comment on this.
>From a technical perspective, this looks like an accurate translation of
>existing best practice to me.
>Any other comments from the group?
>On 29/11/2016 22:52, "Cfrg on behalf of Eric Rescorla"
>< on behalf of> wrote:
>>Hi CFRG folks,
>>Matt Green has submitted a pull request to require validation for ECDHE
>>(TLS 1.3 already requires it for FFDHE). We wanted to make sure the
>>CFRG was
>>aware of this and see if there were objections.
>>PR is here:
>>For the curves secp256r1, secp384r1 and secp521r1, the appropriate
>>validation procedures are defined in Section 4.3.7 of {{X962}} and
>>alternatively in Section of {{KEYAGREEMENT}}.  This process
>>consists of three steps: (1) verify that Y is not the point at infinity
>>(O), (2) verify that for Y = (x, y) both integers are in the correct
>>interval, (3) ensure that (x, y) is a correct solution to the elliptic
>>curve equation.  For these curves, implementers do not need to verify
>>membership in the correct subgroup.
>>For x25519 and x448, the contents of the public value are the byte
>>string inputs and outputs of the corresponding functions defined in
>>{{RFC7748}}, 32 bytes for x25519 and 56 bytes for x448. Peers SHOULD
>>use the approach specified in {{RFC7748}} to calculate the
>>Diffie-Hellman shared secret, and MUST check whether the computed
>>Diffie-Hellman shared secret is the all-zero value and abort if so, as
>>described in Section 6 of {{RFC7748}}. If implementers use an
>>alternative implementation of these elliptic curves, they should
>>perform the additional checks specified in Section 7 of {{RFC7748}}.
>>Thanks in advance for your input,
>Cfrg mailing list