Agenda 0. Chairs Update 5 min 1) Reminder of IPR policies 2) Current drafts list 3) Research focus 1. Research Presentations (all 15 minutes) 1) FlowLens (NDSS’21) - Diogo Barradas, U. Lisbon 2) Packet Subscription - Theo Jepsen, Stanford 3) FogStore: Toward a Distributed Data Store for Fog Computing - Harshit Gupta, Georgia Tech 4)Towards Session Consistency for the Edge Seyed Hossein Mortazavi, Eyal de Lara, University of Toronto 5) Edgar Ramos, Ericsson 2. Drafts Updates 1) draft-sarathchandra-coin-appcentres-04 - Dirk Trossen - 10 minutes In-Network Computing for App-Centric Micro-Services 2) draft-hsingh-coinrg-reqs-p4comp-03 - Hemant Singh - 10 minutes Requirements for P4 Program Splitting for Heterogeneous Network Node 3) draft-hsingh-coinrg-p4use-00 - Hemant Singh - 5 minutes Use of P4 Programs in IETF Specifications Discussion - 10 minutes 4. Conclusions - (less than) 5 minutes 1) Interim 2) Preparation for the next IETF meeting Total: 120 minutes