[conex] IPR on ConEx mechanisms
Bob Briscoe <bob.briscoe@bt.com> Thu, 29 March 2012 09:14 UTC
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Wes as responsible AD, ConEx chairs & list, A request to publish draft-ietf-conex-concepts-uses is currently being passed to the IESG. It says that no relevant IPR declaration is known to exist. In the interests of full disclosure, the re-ECN protocol can be thought of as a precursor to ConEx and BT declared its IPR relevant to re-ECN here: <https://datatracker.ietf.org/ipr/651/> It is very likely that at least some of the BT patents identified in that BT declaration are also relevant to ConEx. BT is in the process of reviewing its patent portfolio so that it might re-issue the above IPR declaration. Any re-issue will point both to specifications of re-ECN and to specifications of ConEx mechanisms as well as identifying any additional BT patents. Bob ________________________________________________________________ Bob Briscoe, BT Innovate & Design
- [conex] IPR on ConEx mechanisms Bob Briscoe