Re: [conex] WGLC for draft-ietf-conex-abstract-mech-06.txt
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Looks nice, here are some minor comments Thanks Phil == S2 I found the first sentence rather awkward. I'm not sure it's needed anyway - could it be cut? P5 para 2 << For example traffic volume is the total number of bytes delivered, optionally over a specified time interval and over some aggregate of traffic (e.g. all traffic from a site). While loss-volume is the total amount of bytes discarded from some aggregate over an interval. The term congestion-volume is defined precisely in>> this seems to be missing a sentence on the lines: And congestion-volume is the total amount of bytes that are congestion-marked from some aggregate over an interval; the term congestion-volume is defined precisely in... p5 para 3 <<Also, the flow-state required for audit creates itself as it detects new flows.>> this sentence is awkward, especially as 'itself' and 'it' (probably) refer to different things. ?maybe "Also, the audit mechanism can automatically create the flow-state required when it detects a new flow" << There is a long standing argument over units of congestion: bytes vs Packets.... >> I disliked this paragraph. It has several ideas that are hard to understand. It seems that it matters what the units of congestion are - but the examples fail to explain why. So it's confusing. I suggest shortening the para: There is a long standing argument over units of congestion: bytes vs packets (see [I-D.ietf-tsvwg-byte-pkt-congest] and its references). This document does not take a position on this issue. However, the units of congestion must be an explicitly stated property of any proposed encoding, and the consequences of that design decision must be evaluated along with other aspects of the design. S2.1 <<ConEx signals in IP packet headers from the sender to the network: .... ConEx Signal: >> This means that ConEx signals ConEx Signals (!) Perhaps: ConEx allows a transport sender to add information in IP packet headers: (please feel free to ignore if this has already had a lot of terminological debate!) << Credit: The transport is building up credit to allow for any future delay in expected ConEx signals (see Section 5.5.1)>> signals /Signals also, would 'potential' be better than 'expected'? S3.2 << Proportionate Sanction: To the extent that the audit might be subject to false hits, the sanction SHOULD be proportionate to the degree to which congestion is understated. If audit over- punishes, attackers will find ways to harness it into amplifying attacks on others. Ideally audit should, in the long-run, cause the user to get no better performance than they would get by being accurate.>> 1. suggest deleting " To the extent that the audit might be subject to false hits," - at least I don't understand why (and anyway it is badly phrased, since the audit causes the false hits so how can it be subject to them?) 2. " no better performance than" - the sentence before suggests this should be "the same performance as" S4.1 Think it would be worth mentioning that the naïve encoding is ok where everything is trusted. S4.4 Last para - about packets vs bytes - seems odd here when S4.6 is about this issue. Suggest moving or deleting. (same comment for last sentence of S4.5) S4.6 << The following comments apply generally to all the other encodings.>> Don't understand "all the other". Can you delete "the other"? S5.4.3 end of para 2 Think you could add "for instance" (since this is an example action, albeit the most likely?) S5.4.3 para 4 << Note that the policing action is to introduce a throttle (delay through traffic) immediately upstream of the congestion policer.>> don't understand "through" (no traffic is destined for policer). Simply: "(by delaying traffic)"? S5.5 p19 para 1 <<Note that in the future it might prove to be desirable to provide advice on uniformly implementing sanctions, because otherwise insufficient sanctions impairs the ability to implement policy elsewhere in the network.>> not sure you mean " uniformly implementing sanctions" (ie everyone has to implement in the same manner) - maybe "ubiquitous deployment of sanctions "? S6 << The ConEx abstract protocol described so far is intended to support incremental deployment in every possible respect. >> suggest "in several respects" S6 para starting "Senders:" " all the packets sent from that host using that protocol will be ConEx marked." Think you mean "ConEx-enabled" Next para: " continue to send regular Not-ConEx packets as always." Suggest delete " as always" S6 "Forwarding:" sub-section, last sentence << Also, monitoring rest-of-path congestion is not accurate if there are congested non-ECN queues upstream of the monitoring point (Section 5.4.2).>> (actually S5.4.2 doesn't explain this point.) ?maybe you could say something more precise like: "Also, monitoring of ECN-marks will result in overestimating rest-of-path congestion if there are congested non-ECN queues upstream of the monitoring point (Section 5.4.2)." S8 << Signal Poisoning with 'Cancelled' Marking: >> Suggest re-phrase, as "cancelled" marking hasn't been used as a term. S8 << It is planned to document all known attacks and their defences (including all the above) in the RFC series. In the interim, [Refb-dis] and its references should be referred to for details and ways to address these attacks.>> I think it unlikely that the rfc series will actually do this. anyway, I don't think the sentences are needed - you referred earlier to [Refb-dis] - and also made the main point, that a specific encoding will have to describe how it defends against likely attacks. ======= Nits S2 << However, delay is too amorphous to use as a congestion metric.>> Is 'amorphous' the right word? P5, para 1, penultimate line: is motivated /are motivated p6, para 2 deployment, which in turn => deployment. This in turn page 5 para 3 << ii) auditing at the edges, with limited per flow state, enables policy in the core, without any per flow state.>> maybe clearer: ii) auditing at the edges that uses limited per flow state, enables policy mechanisms in the core that don't use any per flow state. p6 last word congesting /congestion S3.1 b. << Nonetheless, ConEx deployment need never be universal, and it is anticipated that some hosts and some transports may never support the ConEx Protocol and some networks may never use the ConEx Signals.>> shorter & clearer: Nonetheless, it is anticipated that some hosts and some transports may never support the ConEx Protocol and some networks may never use the ConEx Signals. S3.1 c. ConEx signal / ConEx Signal S3.1 D. ConEx signal / ConEx Signal [4 TIMES] Again in the next para. Also 3 instances in S5.5.1. Possibly elsewhere as well! Refs [Evol_cc] would be clearer as (I mean clearer for the reader of the main doc) [Evolution-of-congestion-control] S3.3 Network layer B. <<what values they should be considered equivalent to by ConEx-aware elements>> could be phrase cleaner? S3.3 Security A. <<strong audit algorithm>> - is 'strong' needed? S4.1 last para Naïve /naive S5.3 para 2 It's /its 5.4 Could add ref to Section 5.5 after "auditing devices" 5.4.2 End of para 1 is missing ")" -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of marcelo bagnulo braun Sent: 23 October 2012 06:54 To: 'ConEx IETF list' Subject: [conex] WGLC for draft-ietf-conex-abstract-mech-06.txt Hi, This note issues the WGLC for draft-ietf-conex-abstract-mech-06.txt Please reivew the document and provide comments. The WGLC will close on the 20th of november. For you convenience, the draft can be found at: Regards, marcelo _______________________________________________ conex mailing list
- [conex] WGLC for draft-ietf-conex-abstract-mech-0… marcelo bagnulo braun
- Re: [conex] WGLC for draft-ietf-conex-abstract-me… philip.eardley
- Re: [conex] WGLC for draft-ietf-conex-abstract-me… John Leslie
- Re: [conex] WGLC for draft-ietf-conex-abstract-me… Ingemar Johansson S
- Re: [conex] WGLC for draft-ietf-conex-abstract-me… John Leslie
- Re: [conex] WGLC for draft-ietf-conex-abstract-me… Ingemar Johansson S
- Re: [conex] WGLC for draft-ietf-conex-abstract-me… Bob Briscoe
- Re: [conex] WGLC for draft-ietf-conex-abstract-me… Ingemar Johansson S
- Re: [conex] WGLC for draft-ietf-conex-abstract-me… Bob Briscoe
- Re: [conex] WGLC for draft-ietf-conex-abstract-me… Ingemar Johansson S