[core] congestion control
"R.Vinob chander" <vinobchanderr@ssn.edu.in> Sat, 09 January 2016 01:56 UTC
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Hi All, May i get a clear understanding for the following in sec 4.7: 1. default value of NSTART is one. that means one outstanding interaction (meaning the responses for two different requests may arrive at the same.* am i right at this interpretation?*). *How does changing NSTART to a different value impact congestion control ?* 2. what is the significance of PROBING_RATE to congestion control? 3. "The specific algorithm by which a client stops to "expect" a response to a Confirmable request that was acknowledged, or to a Non-confirmable request, *is not defined*." *why does the spec not define this?* 4. Unless *this is* modified by additional congestion control optimizations, it MUST be chosen in such a way that an endpoint does not exceed an average data rate of PROBING_RATE in sending to another endpoint that does not respond. *can you explain the above sentence? what "this is" in the sentence refer to? * -- R. Vinob chander, B.E., M.E., (Ph.D) Assistant Professor, Department of IT SSN College of Engineering, Old Mahabalipuram Road Kalavakkam - 603 110 Tamil Nadu, India www.ssn.edu.in Phone: +9144-27469700 , +91 44 27474844/45/46 Extn: 370 Mob: +91-9566101580 -- ::DISCLAIMER:: --------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this e-mail and any attachment(s) are confidential and intended for the named recipient(s) only. Views or opinions, if any, presented in this email are solely those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of SSN Institutions (SSN) or its affiliates. Any form of reproduction, dissemination, copying, disclosure, modification, distribution and / or publication of this message without the prior written consent of authorized representative of SSN is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error please delete it and notify the sender immediately. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Header of this mail should have a valid DKIM signature for the domain ssn.edu.in <http://www.ssn.edu.in/>
- [core] congestion control R.Vinob chander
- Re: [core] congestion control Robert Cragie