Re: [core] CBOR Encoding of Data Modeled with YANG

Ladislav Lhotka <> Fri, 11 December 2015 15:31 UTC

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From: Ladislav Lhotka <>
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Subject: Re: [core] CBOR Encoding of Data Modeled with YANG
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> On 11 Dec 2015, at 16:22, Michel Veillette <> wrote:
> I plan to propose an update to section 3.1.7 based on the text of draft-ietf-netmod-yang-json-06 section 6.8.
> I can either use the module name or the module ID as namespace identifier.
> For compactness, I intent to initially propose the module ID.
> For example, if the module ID registered for iana-if-type is 72, we will have "72:ethernetCsmacd".

Sure, but my impression from sec. 3.1.7 is that the encoding attempts to alleviate the need for determining the chain of identity derivations from a data model and simply encode the chain in the identityref value. But maybe I am just confused.

Cheers, Lada 

> Is this make sense?
> Regards,
> Michel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ladislav Lhotka [] 
> Sent: December-11-15 10:05 AM
> To: Michel Veillette <>
> Cc: Carsten Bormann <>; Core <>
> Subject: Re: [core] CBOR Encoding of Data Modeled with YANG
>> On 11 Dec 2015, at 15:50, Michel Veillette <> wrote:
>> Hi Ladislav
>> About tagging and tag 4 specifically, the overhead require by them will need to be justified.
>> We need to identify which specific applications require schemaless processing of unknown data nodes.
> Fair enough.
>> About identitities
>> This issue have already been mentioned by Juergen and the current 
>> intent is to adopt the same representation as 
>> draft-ietf-netmod-yang-json-06
> Juergen questioned the need for a new namespace notation but if I understand correctly the example in sec. 3.1.7, in
>  iana-interface-type.ethernetCsmacd
> there is no namespace at all: iana-interface-type is an identity, and so is ethernetCsmacd.
> Lada
>> Regards,
>> Michel
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Carsten Bormann []
>> Sent: December-11-15 4:55 AM
>> To: Ladislav Lhotka <>
>> Cc: Michel Veillette <>; Core 
>> <>
>> Subject: Re: [core] CBOR Encoding of Data Modeled with YANG
>> my 2 µJ for now...
>>> 1. Would it make sense to use semantic tagging (major type 6) to
>>>  distinguish numbers or strings with special semantics? Possible
>>>  candidates that come to my mind are instance-identifier and
>>>  identityref values.
>> In general, the assumption has been that semantic information would come out of the YANG schema.  Is there a case where that is not so, and we need to represent it at the representation level?
>>> 2. Why is the "decimal64" type encoded as an integer and not as "decimal
>>>  fraction" (major type 6, tag 4)? Whilst the decimal value can be
>>>  obtained by using the leaf's definition,
>> Because we can get the exponent value out of the schema, we don't need to transmit it.
>>> perhaps it may simetimes be
>>>  useful to be able to correctly interpret the values without using a
>>>  schema.
>> Right.  We probably have to make up our mind how useful YANG-based information should be in a schemaless environment.  If we want to make it useful, that requires quite some different thinking than what we have now.
>>> 3. I think it is necessary to include namespaces/module names in the
>>>  encoding of identitities (sec 3.1.7). It is probably not very likely
>>>  in that particular example, but somebody could define another
>>>  "iana-interface-type" identity in another module. Identities were
>>>  designed to be extensible in a decentralised fashion, so the CBOR
>>>  encoding should IMO also represent the namespace.
>> We should take note of this problem and put it as one more objective for the identifier discussion (the hashes vs. structured IDs vs. ... one).
>> Grüße, Carsten
> --
> Ladislav Lhotka, CZ.NIC Labs
> PGP Key ID: E74E8C0C

Ladislav Lhotka, CZ.NIC Labs
PGP Key ID: E74E8C0C