Re: [core] [CoRE] Working Group Last Call (WGLC) of draft-ietf-core-target-attr-01

Carsten Bormann <> Tue, 28 February 2023 16:19 UTC

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Subject: Re: [core] [CoRE] Working Group Last Call (WGLC) of draft-ietf-core-target-attr-01
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Hi Marco,

thank you for this review.

On 2023-02-23, at 00:29, Marco Tiloca <> wrote:
> […]
> [General]
> * Consistently with Section 2, shouldn't the document title be "CoRE Target Attributes Registry"?

The registries do this pluralization consistently, but my brain thinks I’m going to a Car Dealer or a Book Store and not to a Cars Dealer or Books Store :-)

> * I think that some occurrences of "Target Attributes" should instead be "target attributes". That is:
>    - Two occurrences in the Abstract.
>    - One occurrence in Section 1, second paragraph.

Bad habit of mine.  Fixed.

> [Abstract]
> * Since Resource Discovery is specifically mentioned, a more precise reference is to Section 7.2 of RFC 7252, since its Section 7 comprises also Service Discovery.

Good point!  (Intro, too.)

> [Section 1.0]
> * s/Section 3 of [RFC5988]/(Section 3 of [RFC5988])


> * The last paragraph intended for registrants can be followed by something like below, consistently with the text of Section 2.1 instead intended for the Designated Expert.
>    "Very short target attribute names are intended to be allocated for applications that are likely to enjoy wide use and can make good use of their shortness. Registrants are encouraged to take it into account when defining target attribute names."

Hmm, this is kind of inverting the sense of the current last paragraph.
If you encourage people to do something, and then load them down right away with some restrictions, that is diluting the message…
So I think I really want this point focused on Section 2.

> [Section 2.0]
> * s/a new sub-registry for Target Attributes/a new Target Attributes sub-registry for


> * s/policy "expert review"/policy "Expert Review"

When I thought I had my bad habit under control once…  Fixed.

All changes are in, which you approved before I could even finish this message!

Grüße, Carsten