[core] RFC6690 / 4.1. / interpretation of "search is a 1-element list" and {?search*}

"Kraus Achim (INST/ECS4)" <Achim.Kraus@bosch-si.com> Mon, 03 July 2017 10:26 UTC

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From: "Kraus Achim (INST/ECS4)" <Achim.Kraus@bosch-si.com>
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Thread-Topic: RFC6690 / 4.1. / interpretation of "search is a 1-element list" and {?search*}
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Hi all,

after receiving a PR in an open source project, I'm not sure, what 
RFC6690, 4.1 Query Filtering, exactly defines for the provided "search".

>From the RFC:

> /.well-known/core{?search*}
> where the variable "search" is a 1-element list that has a single name/value pair

Does this specify "a single 1-element list" at all, 
or does the "*" behind the "search" in "{?search*}" specify a list of "1-element lists"?

If multiple "1-element lists" are specified, how is their matching defined?
Are multiple searches "or" or "and" related?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

 Achim Kraus

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