[core] Web Link Attribute parsing problems
Jim Schaad <ietf@augustcellars.com> Sat, 08 July 2017 02:08 UTC
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From: Jim Schaad <ietf@augustcellars.com>
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Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2017 19:08:21 -0700
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Subject: [core] Web Link Attribute parsing problems
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I have been going through my code base looking to get draft-ietf-core-links-json implemented as well as making sure that my implementation of RFC 6690 (CoRE Link Format). At this point in time, I cannot see anyway to future proof my implementation of this code because of how RFC 6690 decided to address a compression optimization. My code currently does not do a good job of deciding which attributes are to be split when they are space separated (i.e. 'rt') and which should be kept as a single string (i.e. 'title'). I can easily get a list of the things that should be treated in which direction right now, however going forward into the future that will not be the case. When the code sees a new link, it will not know what the correct processing is in the event that a space occurs in the value field. As an example of what I am looking at. I get a new WebLink with the attribute of <googoo>ct=0;bletch="foo bar" I then get a discovery query get /.well-known/core?bletch="foo" is "googoo" supposed to be a match or not? If it is a single string, ala 'title', then it is not a match. If it is space separated attibutes, ala 'rt', then it is a match. Is there a recommended way to proceed? Jim
- [core] Web Link Attribute parsing problems Jim Schaad
- Re: [core] Web Link Attribute parsing problems Carsten Bormann