[core] BERT (Block protocol Extension for Reliable Transport)
Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org> Fri, 27 November 2015 03:22 UTC
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In Prague and Yokohama, we had several discussions about the CoAP over TCP mapping, its larger message size limit (now 64 KiB, compared to the 1152 bytes we came up with for UDP or DTLS/UDP), and ideas about extending the Block protocol to make use of that capability. Göran has reminded me of the Block protocol today :-), so I quickly wrote up what I think is a minimal extension to Block for this: BERT (Block protocol Extension for Reliable Transport) https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-bormann-core-block-bert-00 My questions to the WG: -- do we (CoRE WG) want to do this? -- does it work for you and your implementation? -- is is already simple enough*)? -- any opportunities this proposal misses? Grüße, Carsten *) from an implementation point of view, not with respect to exposition -- but I'm happy to take comments on the latter as well. Title: Block-wise transfers in CoAP: Extension for Reliable Transport (BERT) Abstract: CoAP (RFC7252) is a RESTful transfer protocol for constrained nodes and networks, originally using UDP or DTLS over UDP as its transport. Basic CoAP messages work well for the small payloads we expect from temperature sensors, light switches, and similar building-automation devices. CoAP's Block protocol (draft-ietf-core-block) allows transferring larger payloads over limited-size datagrams -- for instance, for firmware updates. CoAP over TCP and TLS (draft-ietf-core-tcp-tls) enables the use of extended, but not unlimited, size messages. The present specification, Block-wise transfers in CoAP: Extension for Reliable Transport (BERT), extends the block protocol in a simple way to be able to make use of these larger messages over a reliable transport.
- [core] BERT (Block protocol Extension for Reliabl… Carsten Bormann