[core] YANG to CBOR mapping
peter van der Stok <stokcons@xs4all.nl> Thu, 10 March 2016 09:06 UTC
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Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 10:06:32 +0100
From: peter van der Stok <stokcons@xs4all.nl>
To: Core <core@ietf.org>, Michel Veillette <Michel.Veillette@trilliantinc.com>
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Subject: [core] YANG to CBOR mapping
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Hi Michel, I read through the provisional draft; and have a few high level remarks It is nice to see that you follow the same structure as in netmod-yang-json. The mapping from YANG name to string, I understand. The mappings of the SID and the hash pose me problems. The SID and and hash are both numbers, why not map them both to unsigned integer (major type 0)? The server does not care how these numbers are produced, it only needs to map the number to the memory locations in the server. I would also suggest that you add a section about mapping instances of lists. When you want memory reduction, the sending of a single instance of a list instead of a whole list may result in the saving of tens of bytes if not much more. Greetings, peter
- [core] YANG to CBOR mapping peter van der Stok
- Re: [core] YANG to CBOR mapping Somaraju Abhinav
- Re: [core] YANG to CBOR mapping Juergen Schoenwaelder
- Re: [core] YANG to CBOR mapping Juergen Schoenwaelder
- Re: [core] YANG to CBOR mapping Michel Veillette
- Re: [core] YANG to CBOR mapping Carsten Bormann
- Re: [core] YANG to CBOR mapping Juergen Schoenwaelder
- Re: [core] YANG to CBOR mapping Michel Veillette
- Re: [core] YANG to CBOR mapping Ladislav Lhotka
- Re: [core] YANG to CBOR mapping Ladislav Lhotka
- Re: [core] YANG to CBOR mapping Carsten Bormann
- [core] YANG to CBOR mapping peter van der Stok
- Re: [core] YANG to CBOR mapping Carsten Bormann
- Re: [core] YANG to CBOR mapping peter van der Stok
- Re: [core] YANG to CBOR mapping Michel Veillette
- Re: [core] YANG to CBOR mapping peter van der Stok
- Re: [core] YANG to CBOR mapping Michel Veillette