[core] Re: Review of draft-ietf-core-coap-pubsub-15

Jaime Jiménez <jaime@iki.fi> Thu, 12 December 2024 15:21 UTC

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To: Francesca Palombini <francesca.palombini=40ericsson.com@dmarc.ietf.org>, "draft-ietf-core-coap-pubsub.all@ietf.org" <draft-ietf-core-coap-pubsub.all@ietf.org>, "core@ietf.org" <core@ietf.org>
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Subject: [core] Re: Review of draft-ietf-core-coap-pubsub-15
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Hi Francesca,

thank you very much for the review Francesca, I believe I have addressed 
most of the comments. I plan to submit the Editor Version for review 
before WGLC, but I would like few checks on the IANA part first.

New editor 

the current 

Also I replied to the questions that may require 
discussion/clarification below.


    The list of links to the topic resources can be retrieved from the
    associated topic collection resource

*Q:*Can you have topics associated to several topic collection 
resources? Is there supposed to be any commonality between topics in a 
same topic collection?

*A:*AFAIK nothing prevents to have the same topic-data URL on different 
topic-configurations and nothing prevents to have the same topic 
configuration on different collections. IMO it is left to the 
application to decide which topic-configurations to group together.


    'topic-data': A required field (optional during creation)

*Q:*I am confused about the "optional during creation" text.

*A:*The field has to be present but it can also be created by the broker 
itself, so the topic manager may choose not to populate it during creation.


    type of the topic-data resource for the topic. It encodes the
    resource type as a CBOR text string. The value should be "core.ps.conf".

*Q:*What other value can this take (so why is it a "should be")? Even if 
none is defined, giving some additional hints to the reader on what 
values this could be extended to take, would help.

*A:*Actually the value should have been "core.ps.data", right? It could 
be application specific but I cannot think of a good example. I am 
thinking now that topic-data could also just be in link-format instead. 
I am open for suggestions here.


    'topic-media-type': An optional field used to indicate the media
    type of the topic-data resource for the topic. It represents the
    media type as the integer identifier of the CoAP content-format
    (e.g., value is "50" for "application/json").

*Q:*I believe you should change this to talk about content type rather 
than media type, as there are media types that are not registered as 
CoAP content-formats.

*A:*Let's name it topic-content-format instead.


    'topic-type': An optional field used to indicate the attribute or
    property of the topic-data resource for the topic.

*Q:*I think this should be better specified: what are "attribute or 
property"? From the example give, it sounds like any sort of human 
readable text could fit here.

*A:*I think the intention is to indeed have it as a human readable 
string about the topic, encoded in CBOR.


    'expiration-date': An optional field used to indicate the expiration
    date of the topic. It encodes the expiration date as a CBOR text string.

*Q:*Why not use any defined CBOR tagged time format? Maybe allowing any 
is a bad idea, but why not reuse existing time definitions (see tags for 
dates athttps://www.iana.org/assignments/cbor-tags/cbor-tags.xhtml#tags)

*A:*Good idea. Actually the format is the same as the one on 3.4.1. of 


    The broker can use this field to automatically remove topics that
    are no longer valid.

*Q:*This “automatic” removal doesn’t seem to be defined anywhere in the 
text. There should be some text stating that the broker checks the 
expiration date every so often and does the removal.

*A:*It was more of a comment, I am tempted to simply remove this and 
leave the management aspects elsewhere.


    The default value for this field has been set to 100 subscribers.
     From previous text, it sounds like there is no default value,
    since: If this field is not present, there is no limit to the number
    of simultaneous subscribers allowed.

*Q:*So this seems contradictory. How is this default value set/used?

*A:*you are right, I was thinking for the broker to set some value if 
the field was not present. Instead, maybe it is better to not set a 
specific value for this field. If the topic creator leaves it empty or 
the field is not present, then there are no limit to the number of 


*Q:*General: are some of these config properties updatable? it feels 
like some may be (expiracy, max subscribers) while others it does not 
make sense (initialize). This should be made clear.

*A:*At the beginning of the section I qualified by rewriting this part 
into: "It can also read and update the configuration of existing topics 
and topic properties as well as delete them when they are no longer needed"



*Q:*Should it be ct=40?

*A:*Isn't this the ct of the referred link? In this case whatever number 
application/core-pubsub+cbor gets assigned. I leave this to @marco or @cabo.


*Q:*In the example, I note that the same topic is used, however not the 
full list of parameters is returned (in particular, "observer-check"). 
This made me wonder if these optional parameters are always returned as 
a result to any change made that does not affect them, or if they can be 
omitted. If I don't see anything specified (and I might have missed it), 
I would expect that all parameters should always be returned. So in this 
case, the example should be fixed. If I missed it, please point me to 
the part in the text that is relevant and disregard this comment.

*A:*it was a typo. As a result of PATCH the current resource state 
should be returned. "On success, the broker returns a 2.04 (Changed) 
response and the current full resource representation."


*Q:*Figure 4: I was initially confused by the Read/Update tag, I think 
it would be good to specify what is for the topic-config and what is for 
the topic-data. So for example, say "Read/Update config" for the Half 
created state, and "Read data (Subscribe), Read/Update config". Also I 
am not sure I understand the meaning behind the arrow from "Fully 
created" to itself, having both publish and subscribe labels. Maybe it 
was meant to be "Publish / Subscribe"?

*A:*updated part of it for clarification, the arrow that goes back could 
be considered publish/subscribe but it looks nicer if the publish goes 
out with the arrow and subscribe goes in towards the state box.


    If the topic is not yet in the fully created state (see Section 3.1)
    the broker SHOULD return a response code 4.04 (Not Found).

*Q:*We need to give the reader enough context to make an informed 
decision. If you believe the context is there, and I just missed it, 
please do let me know.

*A:*I found no good reason why to keep it as SHOULD, so I changed it to 
MUST instead. I am open for clarifications here if someone finds good 


    When a topic-data resource is deleted, the broker SHOULD also delete
    the topic-data parameter in the topic resource, unsubscribe all
    subscribers by removing them from the list of observers and return a
    final 4.04 (Not Found) response as per Section 3.2 of [RFC7641].

*Q:*Same question here, why is this a SHOULD (see comment above).

*A:*Changed to MUST but I think we could discuss it. Could the broker 
have reasons to keep the uri of the topic-data path for later reuse in 
some cases? for example the broker could also implement a different 
behavior for the topic-data deletion, sending back 2.02 but keeping the 
resource in fully created state without returning a final 4.04 to cancel 
existing observations BUT still having the resource addressable to allow 
normal GET on it, for example for retrieving the last 
published/historical value/s. I am ambivalent here and would welcome 
guidance from others. I think MUST should not be used if there are no 
interoperability issues cause by using SHOULD.


*Q:*Since part of the registry is under Expert Review, there needs to be 
some Expert Guidelines (see Section 5 and specifically 5.3 of RFC 8126):

*A:*On the IANA-related topics I have tried to reflect the registration 
of the media type, content format and the subregistry within core 
parameters for the topic config, as well as the expert review rules. 
Mostly using RFC9594 as template. I am sure it needs more eyes before 

Ciao! -- Jaime

On 3.12.2024 14.21, Francesca Palombini wrote:
> Hi,
> Here is the promised review of draft-ietf-core-coap-pubsub-15. It 
> might seem long, but most comments are small and easily fixable. In 
> general (as individual) I am supportive of this work and hope it gets 
> published soon.
> This is an individual review, but as responsible AD I would have 
> flagged these (some of these, like references being blocking) during 
> my AD review, so you can consider this an early-AD review :)
> Francesca
> ----
> # Review of draft-ietf-core-coap-pubsub-15
> cc @fpalombini
> ## Comments
> ### Section 1.1
> > This specification requires readers to be familiar with all the terms and concepts that 
> are discussed in [RFC8288] and [RFC6690].
> 8288 needs to be normative rather than informative.
> > A topic collection is hosted as one collection resource
> "collection resource" needs a reference to where it is defined, 
> otherwise it would be fine to say s/collection resource/resource
> > topic-configuration
> "topic-configuration" seems to be the same as "topic configuration", 
> so it would be good to be consistent (unless there is a difference I 
> don't see).
> > Throughout this document the word "topic" and "topic-configuration" can be used 
> interchangeably.
> I would suggest to change into:
> > Throughout this document the words "topic resource" and "topic configuration 
> resource" can be used interchangeably.
> ### Section 2.1
> > The list of links to the topic resources can be retrieved from the associated topic 
> collection resource
> Can you have topics associated to several topic collection resources? 
> Is there supposed to be any commonality between topics in a same topic 
> collection?
> ### Section 2.2
> > Unless specified otherwise, these are defined in this document
> This opens up the extensibility question. What other methods of 
> specifying configuration properties is there? and how to make sure 
> they interoperate? Does this mean an IANA registry?
> After reading further ahead, indeed I see that the IANA registry has 
> been set up. Then I suggest rephrasing the sentence above to remove 
> "Unless specified otherwise" and to mention the IANA registry instead.
> ### Section 2.2.1
> > 'topic-data': A required field (optional during creation)
> I am confused about the "optional during creation" text.
> > type of the topic-data resource for the topic. It encodes the resource type as a 
> CBOR text string. The value should be "core.ps.conf".
> What other value can this take (so why is it a "should be")? Even if 
> none is defined, giving some additional hints to the reader on what 
> values this could be extended to take, would help.
> > 'topic-media-type': An optional field used to indicate the media type of the topic-data 
> resource for the topic. It represents the media type as the integer 
> identifier of the CoAP content-format (e.g., value is "50" for 
> "application/json").
> I believe you should change this to talk about content type rather 
> than media type, as there are media types that are not registered as 
> CoAP content-formats.
> > 'topic-type': An optional field used to indicate the attribute or property of the 
> topic-data resource for the topic.
> I think this should be better specified: what are "attribute or 
> property"? From the example give, it sounds like any sort of human 
> readable text could fit here.
> > 'expiration-date': An optional field used to indicate the expiration date of the topic. 
> It encodes the expiration date as a CBOR text string.
> Why not use any defined CBOR tagged time format? Maybe allowing any is 
> a bad idea, but why not reuse existing time definitions (see tags for 
> dates at https://www.iana.org/assignments/cbor-tags/cbor-tags.xhtml#tags)
> > The broker can use this field to automatically remove topics that are no longer valid.
> This “automatic” removal doesn’t seem to be defined anywhere in the 
> text. There should be some text stating that the broker checks the 
> expiration date every so often and does the removal.
> >  The default value for this field has been set to 100 subscribers.
> From previous text, it sounds like there is no default value, since:
> >  If this field is not present, there is no limit to the number of simultaneous 
> subscribers allowed.
> So this seems contradictory. How is this default value set/used?
> > 'observer-check': An optional field that controls the maximum number of seconds between 
> two consecutive Observe notifications sent as Confirmable messages to 
> each topic subscriber.
> Not really sure how that works. After further reading: please add a fw 
> reference to 3.2.3 that really explains this.
> >  it defines a counter representing the number of historical resource states the 
> broker should retain.
> What happens if the broker does not retain the number it's supposed 
> to? Maybe this sentence should be changed to state the “the broker 
> retains” (rather than should)
> General: are some of these config properties updatable? it feels like 
> some may be (expiracy, max subscribers) while others it does not make 
> sense (initialize). This should be made clear.
> ### Section 2.3.2
> > The specific resource path is left for implementations, examples in this document 
> use the "/ps" path.
> Ok, I still think it would be good to give a default value. Also, I 
> don't see "/ps" being used in the example below.
> ### Section 2.3.3
> > ;ct=TBD,
> Should it be ct=40?
> ### Section 2.4.1
> > Depending on its granted permissions, a client MAY retrieve a different list of links, 
> corresponding to the topics that the client is authorized to access.
> Slightly confused by this wording. Different than what? Do you mean 
> different from another client? Maybe rephrasing would help.
> ### Section 2.4.1
> This seems to appear here for the first time, but it is a more general 
> comment, and applies throughout the text. There are 44 occurrences of 
> the term "server". In some cases, as in this section for example, it 
> makes more sense to replace them with "broker". Yes, we know that the 
> broker is a CoAP server, but I think what is important here for the 
> reader is that the entity acting as broker returns a 2.05 response. 
> Also note that otherwise the same section talks about "server" and 
> "broker", as in the example below, which is not ideal.
> > On success, the server returns a 2.05 (Content) response with a representation of the 
> topic resource.
> > (...)
> > If requirements are defined for the client to create the topic as requested and the 
> broker does not successfully assess that those requirements are met, 
> then the broker MUST respond with a 4.03 (Forbidden) error.
> I would suggest revising the occurrences of "server" and change to 
> "broker" when relevant.
> To be consistent, it might be worth also checking that the term 
> "client" is used consistently throughout the text (or might need to be 
> changed to "publisher" or "subscriber" depending on context).
> ### Section 2.4.2
> >    Content-Format: TBD (application/core-pubsub+cbor)
> I suggest using the same TBD as in section 2.4.3 (and others), and 
> adding an RFC Editor note to let them know that this value should be 
> updated based on IANA registration.
> However I now see that TBD2 is also used for something else (Figure 
> 5), so that should be differentiated (see suggestion below).
> ### Section 2.4.3
> > The response must include the required topic properties (see Section 2.2.1), namely: 
> "topic-name", "resource-type" and "topic-data". It may also include a 
> number of optional properties too.
> I think these should be MUST and MAY (rather than must and may)
> In the examples: key values are already given in these examples. They 
> are not reflected in Figure 5. I suggest removing the TBDs in figure 5 
> and give IANA the actual values to be registered (this is fine for a 
> newly set up registry). Also note that "resource-type" takes key 1 in 
> the request and 2 in the response, which I expect is an error and 
> should be fixed.
> ### Section 2.5.1
> > The partial representation includes only the configuration parameters such that 
> they are present and have the same value in both the current topic 
> configuration and in the FETCH request.
> What FETCH request? You probably meant GET request.
> > If requirements are defined for the client to create the topic as requested
> Copy paste error, I suspect? s/create/read
> Same comment as in Section 2.4.3 for the example's key values.
> ### Section 2.5.2
> The conf-filter in the example has key 0, which is also the key for 
> topic-name in previous examples. Should be fixed.
> > The request contains a CBOR map with a configuration filter or 'conf-filter', a 
> CBOR array with CBOR abbreviation.
> Please add "of configuration parameters, as defined in Section 4" 
> (otherwise "CBOR abbreviation" is too vague).
> > If requirements are defined for the client to create the topic as requested and the 
> broker does not successfully assess that those
> Same comment as in 2.5.1, should be s/create/read (or access).
> ### Section 2.5.3
> > Similarly, decreasing max-subscribers will also cause that some subscribers get 
> unsubscribed.
> It is not clear which subscribers would get unsubscribed. If this is 
> left to the implementers (LIFO? FIFO?) then a sentence saying that 
> should be added. In general if I was implementing I would appreciate 
> guidance.
> >  Unsubscribed endpoints SHOULD receive a final 4.04 (Not Found) response as per 
> Section 3.2 of [RFC7641].
> RFC 7641 states:
> >    In the event that the resource changes in a way that would cause a
> >   normal GET request at that time to return a non-2.xx response (for
> >   example, when the resource is deleted), the server sends a
> >   notification with an appropriate response code (such as 4.04 Not
> >   Found) and removes the client's entry from the list of observers of
> >   the resource.
> RFC 7641 does not RECOMMEND that the final error response is sent, but 
> mandates it. I suggest you comply with it, remove the SHOULD and just 
> leave it descriptive: "Unsubscribed endpoints receive a final 4.04 
> (Not Found) response as per Section 3.2 of [RFC7641]."
> (Note: same comment for the same text in Section 2.5.4).
> ### Section 2.5.4
> In the example, I note that the same topic is used, however not the 
> full list of parameters is returned (in particular, "observer-check"). 
> This made me wonder if these optional parameters are always returned 
> as a result to any change made that does not affect them, or if they 
> can be omitted. If I don't see anything specified (and I might have 
> missed it), I would expect that all parameters should always be 
> returned. So in this case, the example should be fixed. If I missed 
> it, please point me to the part in the text that is relevant and 
> disregard this comment.
> ### Section 3.1
> Figure 4: I was initially confused by the Read/Update tag, I think it 
> would be good to specify what is for the topic-config and what is for 
> the topic-data. So for example, say "Read/Update config" for the Half 
> created state, and "Read data (Subscribe), Read/Update config". Also I 
> am not sure I understand the meaning behind the arrow from "Fully 
> created" to itself, having both publish and subscribe labels. Maybe it 
> was meant to be "Publish / Subscribe"?
> ### Section 3.2.1
> > On success, the server returns a 2.04 (Updated) response. However
> >    Header: Updated (Code=2.04)
> s/Updated/Changed
> ### Section 3.2.2
> > with the Observe set to 0 to subscribe to resource updates
> "with the CoAP Observe Option" or "with Observe"
> > If the topic is not yet in the fully created state (see Section 3.1) the broker SHOULD 
> return a response code 4.04 (Not Found).
> This begs the question: why is this a SHOULD and not a MUST - if 
> SHOULD is used, then it must be accompanied by at least one of:
> (1) A general description of the character of the exceptions and/or in 
> what areas exceptions are likely to arise.  Examples are fine but, 
> except in plausible and rare cases, not enumerated lists.
> (2) A statement about what should be done, or what the considerations 
> are, if the "SHOULD" requirement is not met.
> (3) A statement about why it is not a MUST.
> We need to give the reader enough context to make an informed 
> decision. If you believe the context is there, and I just missed it, 
> please do let me know.
> > Example:
> It would be good to expand on what sort of example this is - a 
> successful subscription followed by one update.
> ### Section 3.2.4
> > When a topic-data resource is deleted, the broker SHOULD also delete the topic-data 
> parameter in the topic resource, unsubscribe all subscribers by 
> removing them from the list of observers and return a final 4.04 (Not 
> Found) response as per Section 3.2 of [RFC7641].
> Same question here, why is this a SHOULD (see comment above).
> > Example:
> Same here, it would be good to characterize the example.
> ### Section 3.4
> > In this situation, if a publisher is sending publications too fast, the server SHOULD 
> return a 4.29 (Too Many Requests) response [RFC8516].
> I am less concerned about this SHOULD (because the reasoning is sort 
> of implied in my mind), but the IESG might bring it up, so I would 
> suggest you also add some text around this SHOULD.
> ### Section 5
> I was surprised that "Communication MUST be secured" - I would expect 
> that to be at least a RECOMMENDED, but that it is not realistic (and 
> rather idealistic) to expect _all_ pubsub scenarios to need protection.
> ### Section 6.1
> Don't forget to send this to the media-types mailing list for review, 
> when the document is ready to leave the working group.
> ### Section 6.3
> Since part of the registry is under Expert Review, there needs to be 
> some Expert Guidelines (see Section 5 and specifically 5.3 of RFC 8126):
> >   When a designated expert is used, the documentation should give clear
> >   guidance to the designated expert, laying out criteria for performing
> >   an evaluation and reasons for rejecting a request.
> ### Section 7
> [I-D.ietf-ace-key-groupcomm] can be updated to RFC 9594
> [RFC8126] and [RFC8288] need to be normative references
> [RFC8613] can be informative (same as [RFC9147])
> ## Notes
> This review is in the ["IETF Comments" Markdown format][ICMF], You can 
> use the
> [`ietf-comments` tool][ICT] to automatically convert this review into
> individual GitHub issues.
> [ICMF]: https://github.com/mnot/ietf-comments/blob/main/format.md
> [ICT]: https://github.com/mnot/ietf-comments
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Jaime Jiménez