[core] Binding attributes in draft-ietf-core-interfaces

Christian Groves <Christian.Groves@nteczone.com> Thu, 04 February 2016 06:48 UTC

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I'm reading clause 5.1/draft-ietf-core-interfaces on boundto attributes. 
It specifies the interaction between pmin/pmax attributes and the 
"change step", "Greater than" and "less than" attributes. The draft 
doesn't limit which attributes may appear so I take it its possible to 
specify all of them in a single binding. Is this correct?

If it is it leads to the issue of the interaction between the "change 
step" and "greater than" and "less than" attributes. I didn't see this 
described anywhere?

E.g. for a temperature reading if st=5, lt=10, gt=26 is set and the 
initial ambient temperature was 20 when set.
The temperature rises to 30.
I could assume there's a notification at 25 related to st=5
Then there's a notification at 26 related to gt=26
However is there a notification at 30?

The text for change step indicates "how much the value of a resource 
SHOULD change before sending a new notification (compared to the value 
of the last notification)". The last notification in this case is 26 
which would make the change step 31.

A possible alternate interpretation is that notifications only occur 
when the change step is below 10 or over 26. Alternatively a new change 
step notification above would seem superfluous if there's always a 
notification whenever the temperature changes above 26.

What was the intention with the attributes?

Regards, Christian G