[core] message correlation on CoAP

"R.Vinob chander" <vinobchanderr@ssn.edu.in> Fri, 08 January 2016 03:58 UTC

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Hi All,

  sec. 4.4 of RFC 7252 specifies

  The same Message ID MUST NOT be reused (in communicating with the
   same endpoint) within the EXCHANGE_LIFETIME

  I think the sentence is incorrect and should b,

  The same Message ID MUST NOT be reused (in communicating with the
   same endpoint) *beyond* the EXCHANGE_LIFETIME/NON_LIFETIME

R. Vinob chander, B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor, Department of IT
SSN College of Engineering,
Old Mahabalipuram Road
Kalavakkam - 603 110
Tamil Nadu, India

Phone: +9144-27469700 , +91 44 27474844/45/46
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