[core] CoAP implementation for TCP?
Abhijan Bhattacharyya <abhijan.bhattacharyya@tcs.com> Thu, 21 January 2016 11:06 UTC
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Dear List, Is there any available CoAP implementation that supports CoAP over TCP as suggested in "draft-ietf-core-coap-tcp-tls-01"? Regards Abhijan Bhattacharyya Associate Consultant Scientist, Innovation Lab, Kolkata, India Tata Consultancy Services Mailto: abhijan.bhattacharyya@tcs.com Website: http://www.tcs.com ____________________________________________ Experience certainty. IT Services Business Solutions Consulting ____________________________________________ =====-----=====-----===== Notice: The information contained in this e-mail message and/or attachments to it may contain confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, any dissemination, use, review, distribution, printing or copying of the information contained in this e-mail message and/or attachments to it are strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us by reply e-mail or telephone and immediately and permanently delete the message and any attachments. Thank you
- [core] CoAP implementation for TCP? Abhijan Bhattacharyya
- Re: [core] CoAP implementation for TCP? Carsten Bormann
- Re: [core] CoAP implementation for TCP? Michael Koster