[core] CoMI Cool draft splits
peter van der Stok <stokcons@xs4all.nl> Tue, 17 November 2015 09:41 UTC
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Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2015 10:41:05 +0100
From: peter van der Stok <stokcons@xs4all.nl>
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Hi all, During the Yokohama meeting I proposed to split the CoMI/CoOl drafts into three parts as suggested by Juergen Schoenwalder in a separate earlier communication. This e_mail sets out in more detail why the proposed split is a good one. The proposed three parts are: 1) The Function Set (sections 2, 3, 4 in CoMI; sections 2, 3, 7 in CoOL) 2) The YANG to CBOR mapping (section 6 in CoMI; section 5 in CoOL) 3) The YANG name compression (section 5 in CoMI; section 6 in CoOL) The split has two advantages: - the parts 2 and 3 can be used in other contexts, e.g. RESTCONF - It separates out the issues which need to be solved to merge CoOL and CoMI. I come to the generation of 4 drafts: i) The YANG to CBOR mapping. ii) Hashing of YANG names iii) Managed identifier assignment to YANG names iv) The Function set specification Ad i) I don't expect a long list of issues for the merging. However, it may be advisable to submit the draft to the netmod WG, where much of the YANG expertise exists and the draft can be aligned with the YANG to JSON draft. Ad ii and iii) These approaches are very different and merit independent drafts. The CoRE WG can decide to adopt 1, 2, or none of the two drafts. It is also possible that drafts get submitted to other WGs. Ad iv) In my view the alignment of the two existing approaches, CoMI and CoOL, may take some time. I will be happy if in Buenos Aires we have a list with issues, accompanying motivation, and use cases. Is this a valid approach? Comments are solicited. Peter -- Peter van der Stok vanderstok consultancy mailto: consultancy@vanderstok.org
- [core] CoMI Cool draft splits peter van der Stok
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Rodney Cummings
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Andy Bierman
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Michel Veillette
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Michel Veillette
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Rodney Cummings
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Andy Bierman
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Michel Veillette
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits peter van der Stok
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits peter van der Stok
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Somaraju Abhinav
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits peter van der Stok
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Somaraju Abhinav
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits peter van der Stok
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Somaraju Abhinav
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Andy Bierman
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Michel Veillette
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Rodney Cummings
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Somaraju Abhinav
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Andy Bierman
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Carsten Bormann
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Andy Bierman
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Carsten Bormann
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Somaraju Abhinav
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Rodney Cummings
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Andy Bierman
- Re: [core] CoMI Cool draft splits Rodney Cummings