[core] On Content Transcode
Yusuke DOI <yusuke.doi@toshiba.co.jp> Wed, 23 July 2014 21:49 UTC
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Hi, With regards to content transcoding of core-http mapping, let me describe (expected) use case on SEP2 (now IEEEP2030.5). http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-core-http-mapping-04#section-6.3.3 [Background] Unlike CBOR, EXI does not have one-to-one mapping with XML instance. EXI can encode XML document in various ways: schemaless, schema-informed, bunch of options, profiles... etc. In particular, schema-informed encoding make use of a XML schema as a grammar. Thus, even a slightest difference in the schema may break interoperability in EXI. So, something like footype+exi is not sufficient if the content is expected to be encoded in schema-informed EXI. (It is reasonable to use schemaless EXI in that case). To deal with the issue, SEP2 defined two media types: sep-exi and sep+xml. http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/sep-exi http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/sep+xml So, if some node try to speak SEP2 over CoAP (though, SEP2 spec is defined in HTTP), a trancoder should be aware of the schema as part of media type. -- What I'd appreciate if the document can mention such specific case are out of the scope of the document and the implementor should be responsible and be aware of the side-effect (may not specific to EXI cases). In particular, schema-informed EXI will be mapped to application/exi without any schema information OR application/octet-stream. In-band metadata is lost in the case and the proxy should be aware of the metadata required to manage the metadata (schema, or any other application-specific data). If I need to implement a transcoding proxy (though I have no plan to make it by myself), I'd add per-path(regexp) configuration of transcoding rule with such metadata. Regards, Yusuke
- [core] On Content Transcode Yusuke DOI