Re: [core] SenML JSON syntax (with multiple base objects)

Alexander Pelov <> Tue, 27 October 2015 21:41 UTC

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From: Alexander Pelov <>
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To: Carsten Bormann <>
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Subject: Re: [core] SenML JSON syntax (with multiple base objects)
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> Le 27 oct. 2015 à 22:22, Carsten Bormann <> a écrit :
>> Where, for every element:
>> - if it is NOT an array, it is the key, and the following element is the corresponding value.
>> - if it IS an array, its first element provides the key, and the rest of the array is the value, which is a DMM (processed recursively).
> (Why is the array always a DMM?  Should be just any sequence of values that are in the multimap under the key given.)

Yes, this could be any sequence. I chose to make it specifically an array, as to facilitate the encoding/decoding procedure. I suppose this could be also a map, or other sequence.. As long as there is interest in it.
> Sounds worthy of a CBOR tag.  Do you have this written up?

Yep, I have a draft version (not submitted), called - as you proposed - CBOR Ordered Collection of Pairs (COCOP). 
> (I’d get rid of “deterministic”, I think the thing is just ordered.)
>> This allows for an efficient encoding of DMM, where the keys can be of any type EXCEPT arrays. 
> I don’t understand the last comment.  If the key is an array, say for the multimap equivalent of {“a”: “b”, [1]: [2]}, you could represent it with OMM([“a”, “b”, [[1], [2]]]), where OMM is the tag for ordered multimaps.  Yes, this requires a little care when encoding the keys.  (There are a few other details about the data model semantics that probably need to be written down.)

Actually, you are right. With some care, this case is also handled.
> Grüße, Carsten
