Re: [core] congestion control

Robert Cragie <> Tue, 12 January 2016 14:06 UTC

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Hi Vinob,

Responses below, bracketed by <RCC></RCC>


On 9 January 2016 at 01:56, R.Vinob chander <>

> Hi All,
>    May i get a clear understanding for the following in sec 4.7:
>  1. default value of NSTART is one. that means one outstanding interaction
> (meaning the responses for two different requests may arrive at the same.*
> am i right at this interpretation?*). *How does changing NSTART to a
> different value impact congestion control ?*

NSTART is just the number of outstanding interactions possible at the same
time (i.e. simultaneous). There are two sorts of interactions considered:

1) CON, expecting an ACK (messaging layer)
2) Request, expecting a Response (request/response layer)

The section basically states that for (1), the time an interaction is
outstanding is EXCHANGE_LIFETIME. It also says it is undefined in the case
of (2) but puts requirements regarding around not sending too much traffic
to a server.

A value of 1 means a client can only have one outstanding interaction with
any server at a particular time. So with NSTART=1, a client can't get two
different responses from the same server. A client may have multiple
interactions to *different* servers outstanding at any one time.

> 2. what is the significance of PROBING_RATE to congestion control?

<RCC>It has no significance to congestion control based on CON/ACK. It is
of significance to limit any attempt at congestion control using other
means above the messaging layer, which are undefined in RFC 7252. It is a
simple parameter aimed at limiting the amount of traffic which might be
sent if no response is received</RCC>

> 3. "The specific algorithm by which a client stops to "expect" a response to
> a Confirmable request that was acknowledged, or to a Non-confirmable
> request, *is not defined*."
> *why does the spec not define this?*

<RCC>Because it is really a higher layer matter. In addition to any lower
layer reliability mechanisms, for example, the CON/ACK reliability
mechanism, the application layer normally has its own methods for
reliability, usually involving expecting a response to a specific request.
This is specific to the application therefore cannot really be expressed in
a transfer protocol specification</RCC>

> 4. Unless *this is* modified by additional congestion control
> optimizations, it MUST be chosen in such a way that an endpoint does not
> exceed an average data rate of PROBING_RATE in sending to another
> endpoint that does not respond.
> *can you explain the above sentence? what "this is" in the sentence refer
> to? *

<RCC>"this" refers to "the specific algorithm". All this sentence is saying
is that whichever algorithm you choose, at the very least that algorithm
must not cause data to be sent at rates averaging more than

> R. Vinob chander, B.E., M.E., (Ph.D)
> Assistant Professor, Department of IT
> SSN College of Engineering,
> Old Mahabalipuram Road
> Kalavakkam - 603 110
> Tamil Nadu, India
> Phone: +9144-27469700 , +91 44 27474844/45/46
> Extn: 370
> Mob: +91-9566101580
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