[Curdle] Advice on SFTP toward RFC?
denis bider <denisbider.ietf@gmail.com> Fri, 16 February 2018 01:09 UTC
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Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 19:09:05 -0600
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Subject: [Curdle] Advice on SFTP toward RFC?
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Hey everyone, I understand this is not covered by Curdle's charter, but we've made some progress with SSH here, and I would like to seek any advice folks might have about the SFTP situation. I would be happy to receive any responses privately since prolonged discussion would not be relevant to the group. SFTP is a widely used internet protocol that exists in two main versions: SFTP v3 with OpenSSH extensions, and SFTP v6. SFTP v4 is also widely supported, but most v4 implementations now seem to also include v6. The schism happened over a decade ago when OpenSSH refused to adopt protocol enhancements to support non-Unix platforms. They argued SFTP v3 has everything it needs, which it does on Unix. But from a non-Unix perspective, everyone else thought it's not good enough, and better support for other platforms is needed. Because of this, there wasn't consensus, and SFTP did not become an RFC. Now, the result is that SFTP is a major internet protocol, and anyone who wants to implement it needs to follow this: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-02 ... for SFTP version 3, and this: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13 https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-galb-filexfer-extensions-00 ... for SFTP version 6. In addition, a number of details are unclear and not documented fully. For example, OpenSSH encodes some packets differently than SFTP v3 prescribes, and implementations of check-file extensions are not compatible in practice due to different restrictions on their usage. I would think it worthwhile for SFTP to receive better treatment, and I think practical use justifies documenting both version 3 and version 6. Since both are widely used, I think it would be reasonable for this to be Standards track, not Informational. However, if I write a draft - or perhaps two drafts - I'm not sure who to turn to. I'm not sure there's a working group that this could be made part of. Is it possible to pursue Standards track as an individual submission? Should we create a working group with the purpose to document existing practice? denis
- [Curdle] Advice on SFTP toward RFC? denis bider
- Re: [Curdle] Advice on SFTP toward RFC? Benjamin Kaduk