[Curdle] AD Review of draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2-09
Eric Rescorla <ekr@rtfm.com> Sat, 24 February 2018 21:29 UTC
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Subject: [Curdle] AD Review of draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2-09
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See https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046 for the review in context. I have two high-level concerns about this document. The presentation is very confusing, with a lot of duplication and not much in the way of general principles until we get to the Security Considerations section. You should start by laying out your principles (FFDH >= 2048, > SHA-1, ECC >= 256, etc.) and then have less text for each of the suites unless there's something unobvious in one of them (e.g., we're keeping it around for compatibility). Second, I am concerned about the appropriateness of embedding the NSA's judgements about what algorithms are suitable for various classification levels in an IETF RFC. First, the IETF is not a US ogranization. Second, we are just now deprecating the suite B RFCs because NSA changed its mind about how to structure things. I think we should largely confine our comments to the IETF's judgements about what is or is not secure. *INLINE COMMENTS* View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2151> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:100 Method Names that MUST be implemented. Over time, what was once considered secure, is no longer considered secure. The purpose of this RFC is to recommend that some published key exchanges be Nit: no comma here. View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2152> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:107 Methods which MUST, SHOULD, MAY, SHOULD NOT, and MUST NOT be implemented. New key exchange methods will use the SHA-2 family of hashes found in [RFC6234] and are drawn from these ssh-curves from Isn't this sentence duplicative of the previous sentence? View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2153> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:128 implementation of MUST, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, and MUST NOT. Any method not explicitly listed, MAY be implemented. Spurious comma here. View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2154> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:137 be secure with wide enough adoption to upgrade their recommendation from MAY to SHOULD or MUST. This is not a sentence. View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2155> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:141 The Curve25519 provides strong security and is efficient on a wide range of architectures with properties that allow better I would strike "The " View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2157> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:149 Method has multiple implementations and SHOULD be implemented in any SSH interested in using elliptic curve based key exchanges. "in any SSH implementation" View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2156> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:153 The Curve448 provides very strong security. It uses SHA2-512 (also known as SHA-256) defined in [RFC6234] for integrity. It is probably I would strike "The ". Also, I'm not sure characterizing 256 as "strong" and 448 as "very strong" is that helpful. Isn't the general consensus that 256 bits of real security is fine unless there are quantum computers, in which case all bets are off. View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2158> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:155 known as SHA-256) defined in [RFC6234] for integrity. It is probably stronger and more work than is currently needed. This Key Exchange Method is described in [I-D.ietf-curdle-ssh-curves] and is similar to This also seems unnecessary. View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2159> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:162 This set of ephemerally generated key exchange groups uses SHA-1 as defined in [RFC4419]. However, SHA-1 has security concerns provided The groups aren't ephemeral. The keys are. View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2160> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:185 still need to use this key exchange, it should be removed from server implementations as quickly as possible. ; instead of , View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2161> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:195 method will transition to SHOULD NOT when SHA-2 alternatives are more generally available. It would be useful to explain why SHA-1 is a concern here. Perhaps a sentence about how SHA-1 is used? View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2162> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:215 additional head room over the 2048-bit group14 FFC DH and the predominate open source implementations are not adopting it. This method MAY be implemented. Why do you say it doesn't provide much security over 2048? View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2163> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:226 This modulus (4096-bit) is larger than that required by [CNSA-SUITE] and should be sufficient to inter-operate with more paranoid nation- states. This method SHOULD be implemented. interoperate does not have a hyphen View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2164> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:252 curve may not be as useful and strong as desired for handling TOP SECRET information for some applications. The SSH development community is divided on this and many implementations do exist. If TOP SECRET seems like a very national-state specific term. Perhaps some other term is appropriate. Is there a particular reason we are basing our assessments on what USG likes. View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2165> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:272 mean that this algorithm will need to be downgraded in the future along the other ECDSA nistp curves. how does this cipher suite use ECDSA? You don't say. Isn't it basically the same as ecdh-sh2-nistp256 View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2166> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:282 hash could mean that as many as nine bits of this key could be at risk of leaking if appropriate padding measures are not taken. This method MAY be implemented, but is not recommended. Can you explain how this happens? View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2167> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:290 security concerns [RFC6194]. It is recommended that these key exchange groups NOT be used. This key exchange SHOULD NOT be used. It is intended that it move to MUST NOT as soon as the majority of These two sentences are duplicative. View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2168> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:310 This key exchange method is defined in [RFC4462]. This generated key exchange groups uses SHA-1 which has security concerns [RFC6194]. If What's a "generated key exchange group" View Inline <https://mozphab-ietf.devsvcdev.mozaws.net/D4046#inline-2169> draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-sha2.txt:563 DH groups to avoid pre-calculation attacks that are provably not backdoored. This sentence doesn't make any sense: it's not attacks that are backdoored. More generally, are there in fact concerns that the FFDH groups were maliciously generated, or just that they are too weak against pre-calculation
- [Curdle] AD Review of draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-kex-s… Eric Rescorla
- Re: [Curdle] AD Review of draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-k… Benjamin Kaduk
- Re: [Curdle] AD Review of draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-k… Mark D. Baushke