Re: [dane] Deployment focus? Re: IETF 85 - meet or not to meet?
Paul Hoffman <> Mon, 01 October 2012 15:52 UTC
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Subject: Re: [dane] Deployment focus? Re: IETF 85 - meet or not to meet?
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On Oct 1, 2012, at 8:07 AM, Dan York <> wrote: >> The IETF is not a protocol promotion body. We do it sometimes, but often with bad results. > > Good point... and I realize that my first idea listed is well off in the "promotion" area. Perhaps a better/safer area to discuss would be "are there technical issues or barriers that would prevent DANE from being deployed?" If there are, that would be an excellent topic for the dnsop WG. That is, if there are technical issues with DANE, there are likely to be issues with other new RRtypes as well. >> That proposed agenda is much more in the realm of Internet Society work than IETF work. Perhaps you should talk to people at ISOC about hosting an meeting to discuss these things? :-) > > (smiling) I assume by the :-) that you know that these kind of deployment issues are precisely what I am employed by the Internet Society to work on via the Deploy360 Programme. So yes, my brain is kind of hard-wired into looking at "creating these standards is nice, but how do we get people to actually *use* them?" > > Certainly ISOC *could* hold a meeting to discuss how to get DANE more widely deployed ... and the people that would need to be at that meeting would be, well, probably pretty much many of the people who would be at the DANE working group meeting at IETF! We fully disagree there. Protocol developers are often not protocol deployers. For example, I do not contribute to DNS server or DNS admin projects; the same would be true for the large majority of the people who contributed ideas and comments to the DANE protocol. ISOC could pull together a meeting of such protocol deployers, as well as enterprises who might find DANE useful, and I suspect the overlap between people at that meeting and the last DANE WG meeting would be very small. --Paul Hoffman
- [dane] IETF 85 - meet or not to meet? Ondřej Surý
- Re: [dane] IETF 85 - meet or not to meet? Ondřej Surý
- Re: [dane] IETF 85 - meet or not to meet? Warren Kumari
- [dane] Deployment focus? Re: IETF 85 - meet or no… Dan York
- Re: [dane] Deployment focus? Re: IETF 85 - meet o… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [dane] Deployment focus? Re: IETF 85 - meet o… Dan York
- Re: [dane] Deployment focus? Re: IETF 85 - meet o… SM
- Re: [dane] Deployment focus? Re: IETF 85 - meet o… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [dane] Deployment focus? Re: IETF 85 - meet o… Dan York
- Re: [dane] Deployment focus? Re: IETF 85 - meet o… Warren Kumari
- Re: [dane] Deployment focus? Re: IETF 85 - meet o… Daniel Piggott
- Re: [dane] Deployment focus? Re: IETF 85 - meet o… Warren Kumari
- Re: [dane] IETF 85 - meet or not to meet? Warren Kumari
- Re: [dane] IETF 85 - meet or not to meet? Jim Schaad
- Re: [dane] IETF 85 - meet or not to meet? Warren Kumari
- Re: [dane] Deployment focus? Re: IETF 85 - meet o… Dan York