[dane] Version of dig for Mac OS X supporting TLSA records?

Dan York <dan-ietf@danyork.org> Fri, 28 September 2012 18:42 UTC

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Is there a newer version of 'dig' that supports TLSA records?  I just received this on Mac OS X 10.7.4:
 dyork$ dig +dnssec -t tlsa torproject.org
;; Warning, ignoring invalid type tlsa

Here's the version info I have for dig:
dyork$ dig -v
DiG 9.7.3-P3

If so, any tips on easily getting a newer version[1]?  Does Mountain Lion include a newer version?


[1] i.e. outside of going to https://www.isc.org/software/bind and doing the usual 'configure/make/make install' dance, which I've not actually tried on Mac OS X

Dan York  dyork@lodestar2.com
http://www.danyork.me/   skype:danyork
Phone: +1-802-735-1624
Twitter - http://twitter.com/danyork