[dane] NIST DANE Tester Announcement
Stephen Nightingale <night@nist.gov> Wed, 06 November 2013 16:59 UTC
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For those DANEs who are in Vancouver, you can talk to Scott Rose or Doug Montgomery about this. Doug will be at the informal DANE lunch tomorrow. ======== NIST has developed a test system for the RFC 6698 DANE protocol. DANE seeks to verify PKIX certificate based Transport Layer Security (RFC 5246 TLS) connections using the Domain Name System as secured by DNSSEC. https://www.had-pilot.com/dane/danelaw.html The NIST DANE test system has three modes of operation: - Test your DANE enabled site: Enter the URL of a site for which a DANE TLSA resource record is provisioned. The system will negotiate the connection, verify with DANE and get the web page - or provide failure diagnostics. - A reference test set to test your browser in response to all possible DANE configurations. - If your browser is NOT DANE enabled, a reference test set to test a DANE client's response to all possible configurations and return the results to your browser. The site is up and available for testing - But it is still early days and there may be occasional outages. Please be patient and/or let us know. Stephen Nightingale, NIST HAD Pilot Program
- [dane] NIST DANE Tester Announcement Stephen Nightingale
- Re: [dane] NIST DANE Tester Announcement Viktor Dukhovni
- Re: [dane] NIST DANE Tester Announcement Stephen Nightingale
- Re: [dane] NIST DANE Tester Announcement Marco Davids (SIDN)
- Re: [dane] NIST DANE Tester Announcement Marco Davids (SIDN)
- Re: [dane] NIST DANE Tester Announcement Bry8 Star
- Re: [dane] NIST DANE Tester Announcement Bry8 Star
- [dane] Extended DNSSEC Validator was: Re: NIST DA… Guido Witmond
- Re: [dane] NIST DANE Tester Announcement Stephen Nightingale
- Re: [dane] NIST DANE Tester Announcement Stephen Nightingale