[dane] Start of WGLC for draft-dukhovni-dane-ops
Warren Kumari <warren@kumari.net> Thu, 19 September 2013 23:11 UTC
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Dear DANE WG, This starts a Working Group Last Call for draft-dukhovni-dane-ops. The draft is available here: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-dukhovni-dane-ops/ Please review this draft to see if you think it is ready for publication and comments to the list, clearly stating your view. We polled the room in Berlin and there was very good support for adopting this. Here is a link to the slides to jog your memory (presented by Wes): http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/87/slides/slides-87-dane-1.pdf This WGLC ends Thu 03-Oct-2013. Thanks, Warren Kumari (as DANE WG co-chair) -- Curse the dark, or light a match. You decide, it's your dark. -- Valdis Kletnieks
- [dane] Start of WGLC for draft-dukhovni-dane-ops Warren Kumari
- Re: [dane] Start of WGLC for draft-dukhovni-dane-… Warren Kumari