Re: [datatracker-rqmts] Tracking things other than drafts in lists
Barry Leiba <> Wed, 19 January 2011 04:42 UTC
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To: Paul Hoffman <>
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Subject: Re: [datatracker-rqmts] Tracking things other than drafts in lists
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I'll review the draft as soon as I can, but just to answer this question for now: > Appendix A of the current draft lists the five non-draft things that I have > heard requests to track: > Tracking RFC Status Changes and Errata > Tracking WG Charter Changes > Tracking IANA Registry Changes > Tracking Changes in the Liason Statement Directory > Tracking Changes in Documents Outside the IETF Sphere > We can add as many or as few of them as we want to the first round of the > tool. I support... > b) Add just "RFC Status Changes and Errata" My reasoning is that this should be part of tracking a document from beginning to end. You watch it as a draft, you continue watching as it becomes an RFC, you see errata being posted, etc. Also, what that says to me is that if I'm watching draft-furbie-feedme-please, and that becomes RFC 6666, I should be watching that, as well, without having to do it manually. (Or perhaps that should be an option when I start following it -- to specify whether I want to keep following it as it's replaced by draft-ietf-feedme-base-protocol and then by RFC 6666.) Barry
- Re: [datatracker-rqmts] Tracking things other tha… Paul Hoffman
- [datatracker-rqmts] Tracking things other than dr… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [datatracker-rqmts] Tracking things other tha… Barry Leiba
- Re: [datatracker-rqmts] Tracking things other tha… Blake Ramsdell