[datatracker-rqmts] Minutes from today's interim meeting
Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@vpnc.org> Sat, 18 December 2010 00:06 UTC
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Subject: [datatracker-rqmts] Minutes from today's interim meeting
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Greetings again. The minutes from today's virtual interim meeting are below. I'm comfortable with the conclusions that the small number of us there reached, and will have a new draft out in the next week so we can focus more on some of the other open issues. As usual, if I close out an issue that someone feels strongly should be reopened because I might have gotten the "rough consensus without being a WG" wrong, let me know. --Paul Hoffman ================================================ IDDTSPEC interim meeting 2010-12-17, 0800 PST, via WebEx In attendance: Paul Hoffman Russ Housley Alexa Morris Henrik Levkowetz Russ: define the support needed upfront Need to understand the impact on the Secretariat Add a backup capability for user setups Russ: want to be able to create a Datatracker account that does not involve the Secretariat Limit Secretariat to assigning privileges to role-based accounts Similar to no Secretariat involvement in signing up for a mailing list This functionality is not there currently Users would still would go to Secretariat for support Sent to ietf-action Question of only one list vs many for individuals Russ: Where is the value of multiple lists? If you want the same granularity on all of them, only need to have one Maybe each piece of a list has a granularity tag, or two lists "Show me the state / populate the table" would lead to separate queries If they are notify lists, only need one Henrik agrees that users only need one Henrik: user can choose a list name (default name will be ugly and not guessable) If someone announces the name/URL for the Atom feed, others can subscribe Don't announce them automatically Public should not be able to subscribe to email, but can get Atom Russ: lists don't contain contents, but instead the actions that you want Henrik: but you need a URL for an Atom feed Logging in for Atom would be a hassle Russ agrees that handing out the URL for the feed is OK Need configuration for "I want email" or not Resolution: agree that private lists can have a public feed Need reasonable identifiers for drafts, maybe URNs Accounts Russ: Every WG chair has personal account Accounts have privileges Will have "I am WG chair" That privilege will allow you to edit the list for WG For individuals, edit this list will be "edit this account's list" Notifications Russ: maybe an SMS would be needed as an edge case API discussion Russ: pasting into a text window is sufficient Mailman uses this for bulk adds Henrik: wants a generic format to export information Add or replace could both be provided Should method be text window or something else: doesn't matter Russ: likes text window so the entries could be mailed around People will want more detail, such as granularity level Maybe use JSON structures Can pull out different bits at any level by URL Lists of lists General agreement: much too complicated to do in first version Could be done in a later version Henrik: Make display publicly available as well Similar to Atom URL Wants to avoid complexity of subscribing to mail streams
- [datatracker-rqmts] Minutes from today's interim … Paul Hoffman