Re: [datatracker-rqmts] Publicly-readable and private/anonymous lists

Tero Kivinen <> Thu, 09 December 2010 08:57 UTC

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Date: Thu, 09 Dec 2010 10:58:57 +0200
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Subject: Re: [datatracker-rqmts] Publicly-readable and private/anonymous lists
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Russ Housley writes:
> For what gain?  It is the list of documents you want to receive
> notifications of changes.

I for example do follow some working groups more often (once per week
for groups like ipsecme) and in some working groups I only go through
changes every now and then (usually before ietf meeting). I most
likely do not want to get any email notifications from any of those
lists, but only have a web page where I can go to check what changes
there has been, or what is the current status of the documents on that

I.e. this would be more likely be something like the daily dose of the
IETF, but on the limited set of documents, and different time

Also I do think list of lists feature is quite important for getting
lists usable. I myself probably do not have time to keep up
maintaining lists of interesting documents myself, so would really
like to be able to reuse list created for example by IPsecME WG chairs
for documents which are interesting for ipsecme wg people. Then I
would like to combine it with some other list from some other wg
chair, and then combine them to one list which contains documents of
interest for me.

If we do not allow list of lists, then I need to combine lists myself,
or more likely I need to go through multiple lists manually. In this
manual process I most likely need to do manual duplicate elimination
too, and this would be done automatically for list of lists (i.e.
documents should appear on the resulting list only once, regardless
from how many different sublist it came out.

Loop detection etc is problem that can be solved. 