Re: [Dcrup] Is there anything this WG wants to do not yet in draft-ietf-dcrup-dkim-crypto-01 ?
"John R Levine" <> Tue, 20 June 2017 16:50 UTC
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Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2017 12:50:07 -0400
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Subject: Re: [Dcrup] Is there anything this WG wants to do not yet in draft-ietf-dcrup-dkim-crypto-01 ?
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X-List-Received-Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2017 16:50:33 -0000
> Giving this document a quick read I see several things I would change. In case it's not clear, I do not purport to be any sort of crypto expert, so I'm hoping that you, r$, et al. help us to be sure that what I say makes sense. > 1. You say you are using EdDSA with SHA-256? Does this mean you intend > to use the HashEdDSA variant see ( > If so you > should say so. I think the answer is no. DKIM signatures use two chained hashes. First it hashes a canonicalized version of the message body, and inserts the base64 hash into the DKIM-Signature header. Then it hashes a canonicalized version of the headers, signs that hash, and inserts the base64 signature of the second hash into the DKIM-Signatuer header. To avoid infinite regress, the verification step pretends the signature wasn't in the header when verifying. As far as I can tell, feeding the canonicalized header text into HashEdDSA gives the same result as feeding the hash into PureEdDSA. Since the hashing in DKIM has been defined for a decade and we're not planning to change it (other than to deprecate SHA-1) I'd rather say this is a PureEdDSA signature of the existing hash. > 2. I wouldn't specific generic EdDSA but rather EdDSA with a specific > curve. This is both for practical reasons (I don't want to have to > distinguish keys by len()) and for algorithmic reasons (you want to > use a stronger digest algorithm than SHA-256 with X448) OK. Looking at 8032, it appears I want to use Ed25519, right? > 3. You shouldn't name the keys ecdh(fp) but rather eddsa(fp) These keys > are not intended for use with key exchange but rather signature. The > document actually seems kinda confused on this point with the text > saying one thing and the table saying another. OK. Regards, John Levine,, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.
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- Re: [Dcrup] Is there anything this WG wants to do… John R Levine
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- Re: [Dcrup] key rotation, was Is there anything t… John R Levine
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- Re: [Dcrup] Is there anything this WG wants to do… John R. Levine
- Re: [Dcrup] Is there anything this WG wants to do… John R. Levine
- Re: [Dcrup] Is there anything this WG wants to do… Scott Kitterman
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