[Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reported] RFC8463 (7930)
Viktor Dukhovni <ietf-dane@dukhovni.org> Sat, 11 May 2024 04:40 UTC
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From: Viktor Dukhovni <ietf-dane@dukhovni.org>
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Subject: [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reported] RFC8463 (7930)
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On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 08:14:51PM -0400, John R Levine wrote: > On Fri, 10 May 2024, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote: > > |As we have tried to tell Steffen, if your code disagrees with the spec, > > |that doesn't mean the spec is wrong. I have verified the correctness of the RFC signature value, details below. > > This is not my code, this is the code from RFC 8032 copied over to > > a file but with the "main()" driver replaced with the below so > > i can feed in data as two lines of base64 (key, data). > > It would be a lot more credible if you could get your code to produce the > same result that is in the RFC and that other DKIM libraries get, and then > show what you had to change and why it is wrong. 1. The "bh=" value in RFC8463 is correct: $ printf "%s\n\n%s\n\n%s\n\n" 'Hi.' 'We lost the game. Are you hungry yet?' 'Joe.' | perl -pe 'BEGIN {undef $/}; s/[\t ]*\r?\n/\r\n/g; s/[\t ]+/ /g; s/(?:\r\n)+\z/\r\n/' | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl base64 2jUSOH9NhtVGCQWNr9BrIAPreKQjO6Sn7XIkfJVOzv8= 2. The headers to be signed are: h=from : to : subject : date : message-id : from : subject : date So the data-hash is: $ ( printf "%s\n" 'From: Joe SixPack <joe@football.example.com>' printf "%s\n" 'To: Suzie Q <suzie@shopping.example.net>' printf "%s\n" 'Subject: Is dinner ready?' printf "%s\n" 'Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 21:00:37 -0700 (PDT)' printf "%s\n" 'Message-ID: <20030712040037.46341.5F8J@football.example.com>' printf "%s\n" 'DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=ed25519-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;' printf "%s\n" ' d=football.example.com; i=@football.example.com;' printf "%s\n" ' q=dns/txt; s=brisbane; t=1528637909; h=from : to :' printf "%s\n" ' subject : date : message-id : from : subject : date;' printf "%s" ' bh=2jUSOH9NhtVGCQWNr9BrIAPreKQjO6Sn7XIkfJVOzv8=; b=' ) | perl -ne ' BEGIN {undef $/} @h = split(m{(?<=(?:\n(?=[^\t ])))}); for (@h) { s{(\A[^:]+?)[\t ]*:[\t ]*}{\L$1:}; s{\r?\n(?=.)}{}g; s{[\t ]+}{ }g; s{\r?\n\z}{\r\n}; print; }' | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | xxd -p -c32 48ce9a2c710ece1710ff156996b836a7f45470e43efe5643074d6e1690ed62e7 3. This is then signed with the Ed25519 key from RFC8032: $ openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -outform DER | xxd -p -c128 | perl -pe 's/0420.{64}$/04209d61b19deffd5a60ba844af492ec2cc44449c5697b326919703bac031cae7f60/' | xxd -p -r | openssl pkey -inform DER -out /tmp/pkey.pem $ printf "%s\n" 48ce9a2c710ece1710ff156996b836a7f45470e43efe5643074d6e1690ed62e7 | xxd -r -p > /tmp/data.hash $ openssl pkeyutl -rawin -sign -inkey /tmp/pkey.pem -in /tmp/data.hash | openssl base64 /gCrinpcQOoIfuHNQIbq4pgh9kyIK3AQUdt9OdqQehSwhEIug4D11BusFa3bT3FY 5OsU7ZbnKELq+eXdp1Q1Dw== The result matches the "b=" value in https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8463#appendix-A.3 -- Viktor.
- [Dcrup] [Editorial Errata Reported] RFC8463 (7930) RFC Errata System
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… John R Levine
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Alessandro Vesely
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Steffen Nurpmeso
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… John R Levine
- [Dcrup] Re: [Editorial Errata Reported] RFC8463 (… Steffen Nurpmeso
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Viktor Dukhovni
- [Dcrup] Re: [Editorial Errata Reported] RFC8463 (… Viktor Dukhovni
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Steffen Nurpmeso
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Steffen Nurpmeso
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Steffen Nurpmeso
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Steffen Nurpmeso
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… John R Levine
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Viktor Dukhovni
- [Dcrup] Re: [Editorial Errata Reported] RFC8463 (… Steffen Nurpmeso
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Hector Santos
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Alessandro Vesely
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Viktor Dukhovni
- [Dcrup] Re: [Editorial Errata Reported] RFC8463 (… Rebecca VanRheenen
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Alessandro Vesely
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Steffen Nurpmeso
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Viktor Dukhovni
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Steffen Nurpmeso
- [Dcrup] Re: [Ietf-dkim] [standards] [Editorial Er… Hector Santos
- [Dcrup] Re: [Ietf-dkim] [standards] [Editorial Er… Viktor Dukhovni
- [Dcrup] Re: [Ietf-dkim] [standards] [Editorial Er… Steffen Nurpmeso
- [Dcrup] Re: [Ietf-dkim] [standards] [Editorial Er… Viktor Dukhovni
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Murray S. Kucherawy
- [Dcrup] Re: [Editorial Errata Reported] RFC8463 (… Murray S. Kucherawy
- [Dcrup] Re: [Editorial Errata Reported] RFC8463 (… Orie Steele
- [Dcrup] Re: [standards] [Editorial Errata Reporte… Murray S. Kucherawy