[Detnet] Comments on ip-over-tsn, mpls-over-tsn, tsn-vpn-over-mpls
Lou Berger <lberger@labn.net> Tue, 13 October 2020 23:21 UTC
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To: DetNet WG <detnet@ietf.org>
From: Lou Berger <lberger@labn.net>
Cc: draft-ietf-detnet-mpls-over-tsn@ietf.org, draft-ietf-detnet-tsn-vpn-over-mpls@ietf.org, draft-ietf-detnet-ip-over-tsn@ietf.org
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Subject: [Detnet] Comments on ip-over-tsn, mpls-over-tsn, tsn-vpn-over-mpls
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Hi, As I mentioned on the LC thread, I have some comments on these drafts as Shepherd that I think should be addressed before passing the documents along to the IESG. Major comment: In reviewing the other DetNet data plane documents, some members of the IESG asked what unique protocol processing was defined in those documents that justified those documents being on the Standards Track vs Informational. I reviewed the three TSN related documents with this in mind. (FWIW my view of goes in a standard can be found in https://trac.ietf.org/trac/teas/wiki/PSGuidelines , albeit a bit dated.) I found that, as written, both draft-ietf-detnet-ip-over-tsn-03 and draft-ietf-detnet-mpls-over-tsn-03 say basically the same thing: That an mpls or ip over TSN node behaves as a TSN unaware talker combined with an internal TSN-relay. This is covered in section 4.2 and Figure 3 of each document. The text of these section do have conformance language, but the language relates to TSN standardized operation. So, for me use of IETF conformance language is not appropriate. As far as I read it, there is no protocol processing defined beyond what is in the referenced TSN documents. For this reason, I think these documents should be revised to remove conformance language and be published as BCPs (or even informational) . I'd like to confer with our AD to see if she has a preference on which. draft-ietf-detnet-tsn-vpn-over-mpls-03 is in a slightly different position. This document also contains some TSN-specific conformance language that should be removed (e.g., see section 5.1), but it also defines TSN over MPLS specific behaviors in section 5.2. I think this definition as a PS is pretty thin and basically comes down to saying TSN Steams are mapped to DetNet AppFlows. This said, there is a real interoperability issue being addressed as without even this thin definition, different implementations would not necessarily interoperate. I recommend that this document also be revised to (a) ensure it is not using conformance language for any TSN behaviors -- describing what an IEEE reference requires is fine, but that's just informative text, and (b) clearly define what processing/protocol behavior is required, and what management/controller information must be supported, to be conformant the the new proposed standard. Minor comments: - All the documents state that there are required mappings between DetNet and TSN management and control planes, but no details are given. Rather then make unsubstantiated comments, I suggest stating that such mappings are out of scope of the document. - All three documents repeat/summarize behaviors from the other data plane documents in overview sections. I suggest deleting these and just point the readers and these normative documents. - somewhat related, conformance language from the detnet-mpls is partially repeated in section 5.3 of tsn-vpn-over-mpls. It would be better to just point to required processing in detnet-mpls than do a partial repetition. I'm happy to work with the authors, on list or in an informal meeting announced on the list,to review these comments and any proposed changes they may propose to resolve these comments. (I'll also provide some additional less important nits.) Lou (as doc Shepherd)
- [Detnet] Comments on ip-over-tsn, mpls-over-tsn, … Lou Berger
- Re: [Detnet] Comments on ip-over-tsn, mpls-over-t… BRUNGARD, DEBORAH A
- Re: [Detnet] Comments on ip-over-tsn, mpls-over-t… Balázs Varga A
- Re: [Detnet] Comments on ip-over-tsn, mpls-over-t… Lou Berger
- Re: [Detnet] Comments on ip-over-tsn, mpls-over-t… Balázs Varga A