[dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE
Kim Kinnear <kkinnear@cisco.com> Fri, 02 September 2016 19:23 UTC
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From: Kim Kinnear <kkinnear@cisco.com>
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Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2016 15:23:13 -0400
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Cc: Kim Kinnear <kkinnear@cisco.com>
Subject: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE
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We are well into the second and *last* WGLC for the DHCPv6 failover draft: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-failover-protocol-02 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-failover-protocol-02> If there are not enough responses to the draft for this WGLC, we will drop it and not try again. We have some detailed technical reviews. What we *really* need now are people to just read it and say: "I think this draft should move forward". That's all you have to do. Any review would be nice, but we really just need people to read it and send in email that says "move this forward". This is the last chance for DHCPv6 failover. Thanks -- Kim
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE 神明達哉
- [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE Kim Kinnear
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE perl-list
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE Lewis Donzis
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE Ted Lemon
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE Karsten Krone (kkrone)
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE Simon Hobson
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE Bernie Volz (volz)
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE Tomek Mrugalski
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE 神明達哉
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE Ted Lemon
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE Kim Kinnear
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE tianxiang li
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE perl-list
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE tianxiang li
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE yogendra pal
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE Tomek Mrugalski
- Re: [dhcwg] DHCPv6 Failover -- LAST CHANCE Kim Kinnear