[dhcwg] Length of Reconf_Msg option

Anders Vestlund <eraaves@al.edt.ericsson.se> Thu, 25 April 2002 21:08 UTC

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Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 16:04:14 +0200
From: Anders Vestlund <eraaves@al.edt.ericsson.se>
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I'm implementing a parse function for dhcp ipv6 messages based on draft

In chapter 22.20 I noticed that the option length
of Reconfigure Message option is set to 1.

In the figure msg-type is drawn with 2 bytes length though.

I assume the length should be one byte , which is enough to
carry the data it's used for.

Best Regards
Anders Vestlund
Ericsson ///

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