[dhcwg] (no subject)

"A. Gregory Rabil" <greg.rabil@jagornet.com> Thu, 29 March 2012 14:11 UTC

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Hello DHC WG,
I am looking for clarification around the IAID.  Some of this stems from
the several discussions recently regarding the DUID and the lack of a MAC
address in DHCPv6.

Ted (don't mean to call you out here, but it is prevalent to my question)
wrote this on the ISC DHCP list:

>DUID+IAID uniquely identifies the interface; DUID uniquely identifies the

My question is can this be guaranteed?  From RFC 3315:

      Identity association (IA) A collection of addresses assigned to
                                a client.  Each IA has an associated
                                IAID.  A client may have more than one
                                IA assigned to it; for example, one for
                                each of its interfaces.

It states "for example, one for each of its interfaces".  So, I don't see
this as a MUST, or am I missing something?

If the IAID is intended to identify the interface, then I wonder why that
is not just the MAC address.  If that were the case, then every request
would contain the DUID identifying the device, and the IAID to identify the
actual interface in which the request was made.  I guess my concern is that
if we start putting the MAC address in the DHCPv6 packet (which I am in
favor of), then we should be sure to specify how it does or does not relate
to the IAID.


Greg Rabil