[dhcwg] Remaining Issue for Secure DHCPv6 WGLC
Lishan Li <lilishan48@gmail.com> Fri, 21 April 2017 08:45 UTC
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From: Lishan Li <lilishan48@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2017 16:45:10 +0800
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Subject: [dhcwg] Remaining Issue for Secure DHCPv6 WGLC
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Dear All, Thanks a lot for all the valuable comments on secure DHCPv6 WGLC. As the DHC chairs, Bernie and Tomek gave us many support and valuable comments. It is my honor to work with them. Thanks to the DHC chairs. For the proposed comments, there are still some remaining issues for discussion in the following. 1. Bernie: What about verifying the certificate's time? A client might not have current time and so may not be able to determine if certificate has expired? [LS]: According to Ted's comments, Clients that don't have the current time don't get very good security. I think that we can add it into the security consideration part. 2. Jinmei: related to the previous point, I think it's better to prohibit the transaction ID of 0 for Encryption-query messages (the client must re-generate the ID when its implementation generates 0). Otherwise it's possible for the client to see a 0 transaction ID in Encryption-response messages for normal cases other than Reconfigure. [LS]: Tomek has the same comment on the Reconfigure message. As Jinmei suggested: If the encrypted DHCPv6 message is Reconfigure message, then the transaction-id of the Encrypted-Response message is regenerated. 3. Tomek: This draft defines a set of recommendations for secure environment. It is not expected to be used by all DHCP implementations is every deployment, just those who are interested in improved security. In certain way it is very similar to anonymity profile. Anonymity profile defined set or rules that are not expected to be used by all DHCP implementations in every deployment, just those who are interested in improved privacy. So maybe it should be called Security Profile for DHCPv6? I think this approach does not change anything from technical perspective, but simply frames the solution better. Described that way it may also be easier to accept to people who may afraid we want to force everyone to encrypt everything everywhere. It's just a suggestion to consider, I don't insist on it if authors or the WG disagree. [LS]: Kathleen Moriarty also proposes this problem. She suggested us to have opportunistic security as mandatory to implement. Otherwise, the reader will think that it's not pointing to a practical implementable RFC. Maybe another way is Tomek's suggestion, changing the name of the draft. In this way, there will be less issues. 4. Tomek: I mentioned that I was concerned with the possibility of clients and servers getting “junk” is a security concern as someone could generate bad packets with encrypted data and send them to clients and servers in the hope to crash the either when they try to decrypt and then process junk. Tomek suggested we might want to think about whether to add some magic value to the first few bytes of a message before encrypting it and then the decrypter can check those first few bytes to see if they are value and discard the message if not. Perhaps the encoding from RFC5652 would accomplish this if we are using more than just the encryptedContent? Anyway, something to think about. [LS]: According to Sten Carlsen's comments, there is no other method than careful programming and careful testing with deliberate intent to find weak spots. I think that it is a general problem for encryption, not the specific problem for secure DHCPv6. 5. Tomek: "After the decryption, it handles the message as per 3315". I'm not a security expert by any stretch of that word, so excuse my naive question. Anyway, can you always detect that the decryption was a success or failure? Some decryption techniques will produce output, even when the key is incorrect, but the output will be an almost random garbage. Can the mechanism defined in RFC5652 always reliably conclude the decoding operation was success/failure? If not, I'm afraid that asking clients and server to decode random garbage will break some implementations. [LS]: I also think that it is a general security problem. Looking forward to the guidance from some security experts. 6. Bernie: Regarding the reference of RFC5652, check in with Stephen to get more clarity on what pieces are applicable? [LS]: Looking forward to the guidance from some security experts. Looking forward to all the comments and guidance. Thanks in advance. Best Regards, Lishan