[dhcwg] Follow-up from IETF-93 (Prague) - DHCPv6 bis Issues (Reply procesisng) - Respond by 8/24/2015

"Bernie Volz (volz)" <volz@cisco.com> Mon, 10 August 2015 15:36 UTC

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From: "Bernie Volz (volz)" <volz@cisco.com>
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Thread-Topic: Follow-up from IETF-93 (Prague) - DHCPv6 bis Issues (Reply procesisng) - Respond by 8/24/2015
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As a follow-up from the IETF-93 (Prague) DHC WG session and the DHCPv6 bis Issues (see https://www.ietf.org/proceedings/93/slides/slides-93-dhc-7.pdf)

For slide #6, Reply Processing (#140), we want to confirm the WG consensus to adopt the proposal to update the client's Reply processing to process what is in the Reply from the server before acting on any status code option:

Proposal: Restructure the Reply message processing to say that the client processes everything but the top level status code and then checks the status code and deals with it
-      Process any IA_* options
-      Process any SOL_MAX_RT/INFO_MAX_RT options
-      ...

Please respond if you do not agree with this proposal and please indicate why.

The rationale for this proposal is to assure that the client processes other information the server returned before acting on the status code.

-          Bernie (for draft-ietf-dhc-rfc3315bis coauthors)