[dhcwg] dhcpv6-24: use of DNS names in DUIDs
Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com> Wed, 08 May 2002 14:11 UTC
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To: dhcwg@ietf.org
Date: Wed, 08 May 2002 10:07:11 -0400
From: Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>
Subject: [dhcwg] dhcpv6-24: use of DNS names in DUIDs
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The document makes references to DNS names in two places: > 9.3. Vendor-assigned unique ID based on Domain Name (VUID-DN) > > The vendor-assigned unique ID based on the domain name consists of a > two-octet value giving the length of the identifier, the value of the > identifier and the vendor's registered domain name. I don't think VUID-DN format is needed and would suggest simply removing it. Rational: DNS names are NOT permanent identifiers. For example, registrars can reclaim DNS names if the renewal fees are not paid, if there disputes of trademark, etc. Thus, these may be less permanent than appears. Second, they don't seem to provide any additional benefits/functionality compared with VUID-EN. In those DUIDs, an enterprise number provides the global uniqueness. Enterprise numbers were defined precisely for this purpose, are permanent, and are easy to get. > 8. Representation and use of domain names > > So that domain names may be encoded uniformly and compactly, a > domain name or a list of domain names is encoded using the technique > described in sections 3.1 and 4.1.4 of RFC1035 [12]. Section 4.1.4 > of RFC1035 describes how more than one domain name can be represented > in a list of domain names. For use in this specification, in a > list of domain names, the compression pointer (see section 4.1.4 of > RFC1035) refers to the offset within the list. I don't think this needs to be in the base document. Nowhere does the base spec use DNS names according to this format. Thus, there is nothing to implement. Note that VUID-DN mentioned above doesn't use this format (is that a bug?) -- it seems to use an ascii string (which, BTW, is probably not really what is needed, given a future with I18N DNS names). When an option gets defined that encodes a DNS name, that is where the above text needs to be specified. Thomas _______________________________________________ dhcwg mailing list dhcwg@ietf.org https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/dhcwg
- [dhcwg] dhcpv6-24: use of DNS names in DUIDs Thomas Narten
- Re: [dhcwg] dhcpv6-24: use of DNS names in DUIDs Ralph Droms
- Re: [dhcwg] dhcpv6-24: use of DNS names in DUIDs Thomas Narten
- Re: [dhcwg] dhcpv6-24: use of DNS names in DUIDs Ralph Droms