[dhcwg] draft-lemon-dhc-dns-pd-01.txt

"Bernie Volz (volz)" <volz@cisco.com> Sun, 29 July 2012 15:01 UTC

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I like this work.

A couple of minor nits:

"DHCP Discover" should be "DHCP Solicit". Might be best to drop DHCP before the DHCPv6 message names as RFC 3315 and others haven't generally done that.

I also think the following deserves some discussion:

     The requesting router MUST silently
   discard any DHCP Advertise message containing a PDZM option that
   indicates a method that was not listed in the PDZP option sent in the
   DHCP Discover message.

This seems a bit severe to me - especially if a server is just configured to return a fixed vale for this option. I could see move this to the end of the list of Advertises to be considered, but to discard it should be a SHOULD - not a MUST.

Though this would likely only work if the "fixed" option specified spoofed, since the others require further communication.

- Bernie