[dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-client-link-layer-addr-opt-01

Ted Lemon <Ted.Lemon@nominum.com> Thu, 16 August 2012 14:09 UTC

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From: Ted Lemon <Ted.Lemon@nominum.com>
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Subject: [dhcwg] WGLC: draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-client-link-layer-addr-opt-01
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The authors of this document have requested a working group last call.   There's already been some good review on the list, but more is always welcome.   Please post comments if you have any, and also indicate whether you support advancing the draft as written, or oppose doing so.   We will evaluate consensus on August 31.

I should point out that despite its title, this document is about the relay agent forwarding the client link layer address.   There has been discussion on the mailing list about other use cases that involve the client sending its own link layer address; while these use cases may be of interest to the working group in a later draft, they are out of scope for this draft, so please indicate the status of your support for the draft as currently scoped.   Once this work is done, if someone wants to take up work on a new draft with a wider scope, the working group will consider doing so.