[dhcwg] FW: NomCom 2016-2017: Call for Nominations
"Bernie Volz (volz)" <volz@cisco.com> Mon, 29 August 2016 21:09 UTC
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From: "Bernie Volz (volz)" <volz@cisco.com>
To: "dhcwg@ietf.org" <dhcwg@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: NomCom 2016-2017: Call for Nominations
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Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2016 21:09:14 +0000
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On 8/29/16, 4:37 PM, "WGChairs on behalf of NomCom Chair 2016" <wgchairs-bounces@ietf.org on behalf of nomcom-chair-2016@ietf.org> wrote: >Please forward on to your Working Groups - > >The 2016-17 Nominating Committee (Nomcom) is seeking nominations from >now until October 8, 2016. The open positions being considered by this >year's Nomcom can be found at the end of this email and also on this >year's Nomcom website: > >https://datatracker.ietf.org/nomcom/2016/ > >Nominations may be made by selecting the Nominate link at the top of >the Nomcom 2016 home page, or by visiting the following URL: > >https://datatracker.ietf.org/nomcom/2016/nominate/ > > {Note that nominations made using the web tool require an ietf.org > datatracker account. You can create a datatracker ietf.org account > if you don't have one already by visiting the following URL: > https://datatracker.ietf.org/accounts/create/ } > >If you are unable to use the web form, nominations may instead be made >by email to nomcom-16@ietf.org. If using email, please include the word >"Nominate" in the Subject and indicate in the email who is being >nominated, their email address (to confirm acceptance of the >nomination), and the position for which you are making the nomination. >If you are nominating someone other than yourself, please tell us if >we may tell the nominee that you were the one who made the nomination. >If you wish to nominate someone via email for more than one position, >please use separate emails to do so. > >Self-nomination is welcome! > >Willing nominees will be asked to fill out a questionnaire >specific to the position for which they are nominated. The questionnaires >will be available on September 2, 2016 and have a submission deadline of >October 13, 2016. > >NomCom 2016-17 will follow the policy for "Open Disclosure of Willing >Nominees" described in BCP 10/RFC 7437. As stated in RFC 7437: "The >list of nominees willing to be considered for positions under review >in the current Nomcom cycle is not confidential". Willing nominees for >each position will be listed in a publicly accessible way - anyone >with a datatracker account may access the lists. Additionally, the >nomination form asks if we may share your own name with the >nominee. In all other ways, the confidentiality requirements of BCP10 >remain in effect. All feedback and all Nomcom deliberations will >remain confidential and will not be disclosed. > >There is a field on the form you can mark in order to allow the Nomcom >to tell the nominee that you were the one who made the >nomination. This defaults to “no” - so if you don't mark the field >we won’t tell. > >In order to ensure time to collect sufficient community feedback about >each of the willing nominees, nominations must be received by the >NomCom on or before October 8, 2016. > >Please submit your nominations as early as possible for the sake of >your nominees. Note that nominations should not wait for management >permission, as it is easier to decline the nomination than put one in >late. > >The Nomcom appoints individuals to fill the open slots on the IAOC, >the IAB, and the IESG. The list of people and posts whose terms end >with the March 2017 IETF meeting, and thus the positions for which >this Nomcom is responsible, follows: > >IAOC > > Lou Berger > >IAB > > Ralph Droms* > Russ Housley* > Robert Sparks > Andrew Sullivan > Dave Thaler* > Suzanne Woolf > >IESG > > Jari Arkko (GEN)* > Deborah Brungard (RTG) > Ben Campbell (ART) > Spencer Dawkins (TSV) > Stephen Farrell (SEC)* > Joel Jaeggli (OPS)* > Terry Manderson (INT) > Alvaro Retana (RTG) > >*- have indicated that they do not intend to accept a >renomination. This information is always up to date on >https://datatracker.ietf.org/nomcom/2016/ > >Please be resourceful in identifying possible candidates for these >positions, as developing our talent is a very crucial requirement for >the IETF, and also, please consider accepting a nomination. You'll >find extensive information about specific positions, developed by the >IAB, IESG, and IAOC, under individual tabs at: > > https://datatracker.ietf.org/nomcom/2016/requirements/ > >In addition to nominations, the Nomcom seeks community input on the >positions themselves. We need and welcome the community's views and >input on the jobs within each organization. If you have ideas on the >positions' responsibilities (more, less, different), please let us >know. > >Please send suggestions and feedback about this to nomcom-16@ietf.org. > >Thank you for your help in identifying qualified nominees! > >Lucy Lynch >Nomcom Chair 2016-17 >nomcom-chair-2016@ietf.org >llynch@civil-tongue.net >
- [dhcwg] FW: NomCom 2016-2017: Call for Nominations Bernie Volz (volz)