[dhcwg] (no subject)
hu.yuxing@zte.com.cn Thu, 10 March 2011 02:18 UTC
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I am trying to configure DHCPv6 server to assign IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses for dual stack hosts. The server must be configured by administrator with IPv6 prefix. The generated IPv6 addresses must be created like : IPv6_prefix + IPv4_address+........ Is that possible to make DHCPv6 server capable to do that without configuring DHCPv6 clients? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi,Robert IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses take the form ::/96+IPv4 address/32,they are only used to dynamically tunnel IPv6 packets over IPv4 networks(Automatic tunnel).In windows os,it is created by a command: netsh interface ipv6 set state v4compat=enabled,and it is generated by the IPv4 address of the host. So, I dont kown if you are talking about this ? -------------------------------------------------------- ZTE Information Security Notice: The information contained in this mail is solely property of the sender's organization. This mail communication is confidential. Recipients named above are obligated to maintain secrecy and are not permitted to disclose the contents of this communication to others. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the originator of the message. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender. This message has been scanned for viruses and Spam by ZTE Anti-Spam system.
- [dhcwg] (no subject) hu.yuxing
- [dhcwg] (no subject) Erik.nordmark
- [dhcwg] (no subject) Erik.nordmark
- [dhcwg] (no subject) Yi Chen
- Re: [dhcwg] (no subject) Ralph Droms
- [dhcwg] (no subject) Jorge Silva
- [dhcwg] (no subject) Gopi Krishna
- [dhcwg] (no subject) khamphanh savanh
- [dhcwg] (no subject) myyahoo
- [dhcwg] (no subject) Npprasad
- [dhcwg] (no subject) Bryan Lavigne
- [dhcwg] (no subject) J.A. Ribelles
- [dhcwg] (no subject) YiTing Liu
- [dhcwg] (no subject) yuan zhang
- [dhcwg] (no subject) CTO YAN Renxiang
- [dhcwg] RE: Client FQDN Bernie Volz
- Re: [dhcwg] RE: Client FQDN Ted Lemon
- [dhcwg] (no subject) Kuntal Chowdhury
- RE: [dhcwg] (no subject) Bernie Volz
- [dhcwg] (no subject) Theodore Vojnovich
- [dhcwg] (no subject) Ralph Droms
- [dhcwg] (no subject) peter_blatherwick
- [dhcwg] (no subject) Joseph
- [dhcwg] (no subject) Joseph
- [dhcwg] (no subject) Joseph
- Re: [dhcwg] (no subject) Ralph Droms
- [dhcwg] (no subject) A. Gregory Rabil
- Re: [dhcwg] (no subject) Andre Kostur
- Re: [dhcwg] (no subject) Bernie Volz (volz)