[dhcwg] Address selection for Information-request/Reply messages

Ralph Droms <rdroms@cisco.com> Thu, 01 May 2003 14:45 UTC

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At 12:10 AM 4/15/2003 +0900, JINMEI Tatuya / =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCP0BMQEMjOkgbKEI=?= wrote:

>1. address selection of Information-request/Reply exchanges
>According to the DHCPv6 base spec, the client should send Information
>Request messages to the All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers multicast
>address (FF02::1:2).  However, doesn't it make much sense to allow the
>client to send the requests to the All_DHCP_Servers multicast address
>FF05::1:3?  Since the stateless usage assumes the client has obtained
>its IPv6 addresses through some other mechanism, I don't see a reason
>that the client cannot do so.  If we allow this, the client can access
>an off-link server without relying on a relay agent, which would help
>the deployment.

On the other hand, we don't want to require deployment of multicast
to enable stateless DHCPv6.

One possibility would be to allow the use of All_DHCP_Servers, with
an explicit warning that a site that doesn't implement multicast
MUST use relay agents AND the relay agents must listen to
All_DHCP_Servers (which is a change from the current spec).  In
fact, it would be important to note that a site MUST NOT both
implement multicast and configure relay agents to listen on
All_DHCP_Servers, as such a configuration would result in the
servers receiving multiple copies of client messages.

- Ralph

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