Re: [Dime] Origin-State-Id AVP

Jouni <> Thu, 06 May 2010 18:25 UTC

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Eventually it is up to the command ABNF. If the command ABNF has *[AVP] then including Origin-State-Id AVP is ok. 

- Jouni

On May 6, 2010, at 4:03 PM, Vipul2 Aggarwal wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a query regarding usage of Origin-State-Id AVP in Diameter.
> The Diameter Base Protocol RFC 3588 says that Origin-State-Id AVP MAY be included in any diameter message.
> Now, some diameter based application (like a 3GPP defined application) defines new commands and in those commands’ ABNF Origin-State-Id AVP is not present.
> Then does this imply that Origin-State-Id AVP MUST not be sent in these commands or it can be sent because RFC 3588 says it can be sent in any diameter message?
> Thanks n Regards,
> Vipul Aggarwal
> Gurgaon
> India
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