[Dime] Benjamin Kaduk's No Objection on draft-ietf-dime-group-signaling-13: (with COMMENT)
Benjamin Kaduk via Datatracker <noreply@ietf.org> Wed, 03 February 2021 01:40 UTC
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From: Benjamin Kaduk via Datatracker <noreply@ietf.org>
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Subject: [Dime] Benjamin Kaduk's No Objection on draft-ietf-dime-group-signaling-13: (with COMMENT)
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Benjamin Kaduk has entered the following ballot position for draft-ietf-dime-group-signaling-13: No Objection When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this introductory paragraph, however.) Please refer to https://www.ietf.org/iesg/statement/discuss-criteria.html for more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions. The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-dime-group-signaling/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENT: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I agree with the other commenters that an editorial pass over the document before it is sent to the RFC Editor is probably in order; I only noted the more eggregious nits that have obvious fixes but skipped the ones where I did not have a resolution ready at hand to suggest. Barry's remarks about restrictive vs non-restrictive clauses are particularly important. I also have several high-level issues that don't quite rise to discuss-level but seem worth getting resolution on; they mostly involve edge cases where the current text either leaves me unclear on what is supposed to happen or seems to present conflicting guidance: - what's the error handling in cases of partial success? * For operations adding/removing sessions to/from groups, it seems that the general principle is that the new changes introduced with any group-relevant CCF exchange are to be treated atomically: either all group additions/removals succeed or all fail (and when it fails the session is forced into a single-session fallback mode). But for server-initiated modifications this is enforced by "if the client can't do it, the client MUST tear down the affected session(s)", and I'm not sure if there's a case where the client can send a new request that includes some modifications and the server also tries to make some modifications in its response; such a scenario might in effect allow partial success and might also be hard to correctly interpret. * For operations acting on groups, we do allow partial success (DIAMETER_LIMITED_SUCCESS) and attempt to mandate fallback to single-session operation for affected sessions, but the specifics of how the Failed-AVP effectuates this are not clear to me (see my comment on Section 4.4.3). - we require that group identifiers are globally unique, which can be done with the diameter-node namespace prefix. But for the portion after that prefix, we seem to suggest reusing the construction from Section 8.8 of RFC 6733, which is just (in essence) a 64-bit global counter. In the vein of draft-gont-numeric-ids-sec-considerations, that seems overly constrained, in that it reveals sequencing across group creation and rate of per-node group creation to the remote peer. It seems that a construction akin to a keyed hash of a counter would preserve the guaranteed uniqueness property but avoid leaking such information to the network. - the permissions model is a bit unorthodox, with groups "owned" by their creator but the binding of a session to a group "owned" by the node that performed the binding. It seems like there is some risk of deadlock situations or conflict, e.g., where a client has added a session to a group G but the server wants to remove the session from G, or where a session is part of a group but the owner of the group wants to delete the group. For the latter case, my understanding is that group deletion "trumps" ownership of the session/group binding, such that deletion can proceed even while sessions are in the group, but I'm less sure what should happen in the former case (or others). - Is it possible to have a group with no member sessions? Section 3.3 suggests that if the last session is removed the group should be deleted, but AFAICT this would still require the node performing the removal to unset SESSION_GROUP_STATUS_IND, and I didn't see a requirement to do that spelled out. I do see how it is impossible to create a group directly in a state with no member sessions. - Is there a requirement to always send the current state of group membership when acting on a session? I could (perhaps naively) imagine a case where due to previous interactions a session belongs to groups G1, G2, and G3, but in some subsequent request the client only mentions G1. Does the membership in G2 and G3 get implicitly retained in the absence of an explicit unset SESSION_GROUP_ALLOCATION_ACTION or are there some other constraints that make such a scenario impossible? - Is there supposed to be a strong distinction between "including" an AVP and "appending" one? I see that 6733 does make some fairly clear distinction between the terms, but it seems that (e.g.) in Section 4.2.1 we use both phrasings to discuss Session-Group-Info. Now for some section-by-section (mostly editorial or nit-level) notes. Abstract, Introduction a million concurrent Diameter sessions. Recent use cases have revealed the need for Diameter nodes to apply the same operation to a large group of Diameter sessions concurrently. The Diameter base I note that the -00 is from 2012; are these use cases still "recent"? Section 3 As an editorial note, the way the current text jumps in to say that sessions can be assigned to groups leaves the reader uncertain whether this is describing preexisting functionality or the new mechanisms added by this document. A top-level intro paragraph for Section 3 that says roughly "to accomodate bulk operations on Diameter sessions, the concept of session groups is introduced; once sessions are added to a group, a command acting on the group will affect all the member sessions" might help. Section 3.3 If I understand correctly, the lines in the table for "remove a session from an owned Session Group"/"remove a session from a non-owned Session Group" mean only that this operation can be done sometimes, not that it can always be done (per the lines about "created the assignment". Would it be helpful to indicate this, perhaps by using a different symbol for those lines and adding a footnote? Section 4 While I understand the desire to keep the document structure as it is, with the actual AVPs specified in Section 7, it would have been very helpful to have a toplevel introductory paragraph here that mentions or references that there is a containing Session-Group-Info grouped AVP that contains the Session-Group-Control-Vector with information about the action and group, and zero or one(?) Session-Group-Id AVP to identify the group when a specific group is being identified. This would also allow clarifying whether the Session-Group-Id AVP is currently only defined to appear within the Session-Group-Info. Section 4.1.1 Such applications provide intrinsic discovery for the support of session grouping capability using the assigned Application Id advertised during the capability exchange phase two Diameter peers establish a transport connection (see Section 5.3 of [RFC6733]). nit: I think there's a missing word here, perhaps "where" after "phase"? Section 4.2.1 The client may also indicate in the request that the server is responsible for the assignment of the session in one or multiple sessions owned by the server. [...] nit(?): is this supposed to be "assignment of the session into one or multiple session *groups* owned by the server"? I'm having a hard time understanding it as written. If the assignment of the session to one or some of the multiple identified session groups fails, the session group assignment is treated as failure. In such case the session is treated as single session without assignment to any session group by the Diameter nodes. The server sends the response to the client and MAY include those Session-Group-Info AVPs for which the group assignment failed. The SESSION_GROUP_ALLOCATION_ACTION flag of included Session-Group- Info AVPs MUST be cleared. I guess I understand the part where the entire set of group-assignment operations has to succeed or fail as an atomic unit, but this text perhaps implies some semantics that the server is supposed to only explicitly include in the response the subset of group assignments that were unable to be processed, omitting the ones that could have been processed (but were not processed since a failure on one means that none of the operations get applied). If that's the intent, I'd suggest being a bit more explicit about what is and isn't sent. A Diameter client, which sent a request for session initiation to a Diameter server and appended a single or multiple Session-Group-Id AVPs but cannot find any Session-Group-Info AVP in the associated (editorial) the phrase "cannot find" makes me wonder how hard it's expected to be looking; more definitive statements about "not present" seem more typical for RFC style. Section 4.2.3 When a Diameter server enforces an update to the assigned groups mid- nit: this seems to be the only time we use the word "enforce" in this sense in the document; previous discussion seems to just use "decides to make an update" or similar. answer. The client subsequently sends a service-specific re- authorization request containing one or multiple Session-Group-Info AVPs with the SESSION_GROUP_ALLOCATION_ACTION flag set and the Session-Group-Id AVP identifying the session group to which the session had been previously assigned. [...] nit: I think this has to be "group or groups" to be consistent with the rest of the doc. Section 4.4.1 Either Diameter node (client or server) can request the recipient of a request to process an associated command for all sessions assigned to one or multiple groups by identifying these groups in the request. The sender of the request appends for each group, to which the command applies, a Session-Group-Info AVP including the Session- Group-Id AVP to identify the associated session group. Both, the SESSION_GROUP_ALLOCATION_ACTION flag as well as the SESSION_GROUP_STATUS_IND flag MUST be set. What's the error handling if one or both listed flags are not set -- just ignore the request? Action AVP to ALL_GROUPS (1) or PER_GROUP (2). If the answer can be sent before the complete process of the request for all the sessions or if the request timeout timer is high enough, the sender MAY set the Group-Response-Action AVP to ALL_GROUPS (1) or PER_GROUP (2). (side note) just the phrase "high enough" doesn't give much of an indication of what the criteria are and what numerical values might be appropriate. That said, it's not entirely clear how much guidance we can really give in this situation. Section 4.4.2 If the received request identifies multiple groups in multiple appended Session-Group-Id AVPs, the receiver SHOULD process the associated command for each of these groups. If a session has been assigned to more than one of the identified groups, the receiver MUST process the associated command only once per session. Why is this only a SHOULD for each group -- what other behaviors could the receiver do? Section 4.4.3 In the case of limited success, the sessions, for which the processing of the group command failed, MUST be identified using a Failed-AVP AVP as per Section 7.5 of [RFC6733]. [...] My reading of the referenced part of RFC 6733 is that there is a single Failed-AVP pointing to a single AVP that could not be processed properly. Is there such a single failed AVP in the case where processing failed for multiple sessions in the group(s)? It seems that the "largest containing AVP" that includes all failed groups might be so large so as to not be useful in indicating the problem. Section 7.2 SESSION_GROUP_STATUS_IND (0x00000010) If there's a mnemonic for the "IND" part of "SESSION_GROUP_STATUS_IND", that would be helpful to expand. Section 9.2 The Specification Required policy includes review by Designated Experts; is there any guidance we should provide to the DEs? Appendix A.1 Discon GASA received Cleanup Idle Spot-checking against RFC 6733's state machine, the non-group ASA received case only makes this transition when there was a previous ASR that was successfully sent. Is that am important distinction? (Also, as an editorial nit, RFC 6733 spells "Clean up" as two words.)
- [Dime] Benjamin Kaduk's No Objection on draft-iet… Benjamin Kaduk via Datatracker
- Re: [Dime] Benjamin Kaduk's No Objection on draft… Mark Jones