[Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-overload-05
<lionel.morand@orange.com> Mon, 13 June 2016 20:25 UTC
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From: lionel.morand@orange.com
To: Steve Donovan <srdonovan@usdonovans.com>, Maria Cruz Bartolome <maria.cruz.bartolome@ericsson.com>, "dime@ietf.org" <dime@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: RE : Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-overload-05
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Hi Steve, Reviewing the draft, I have additional comments that I will post tomorrow. Regards, Lionel Envoyé de mon Orange Nura 2 Le 13 juin 2016 22:14, Steve Donovan <srdonovan@usdonovans.com> a écrit : Lionel, Jouni, I've incorporated all of the suggested changes into the draft. I believe the time period for the WGLC has expired. Please advise if I should publish the new version or if you want to wait for more comments. Regards, Steve On 6/13/16 8:06 AM, lionel.morand@orange.com wrote: > Thank you for the useful discussion. > I'm OK with the output and the proposed changes. > > regards, > > Lionel > >> -----Message d'origine----- >> De : DiME [mailto:dime-bounces@ietf.org] De la part de Maria Cruz Bartolome >> Envoyé : vendredi 10 juin 2016 10:02 >> À : Steve Donovan; dime@ietf.org >> Objet : Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-overload-05 >> >>>>> 2. Clause 5.2.3 >>>>> "In all cases, if the reacting node is a relay then it MUST strip the >>>>> OC-OLR AVP from the message." >>>>> >>>>> But, will the relay react against the overload report received? i.e. is it a >> "reacting node" or it is just relaying the message? >>>> SRD> That is determined by the other statements in that section. If >>>> SRD> the >>>> SourceID received in the message matches that of a peer then the relay is a >> reacting node. If it doesn't match then it is not a reacting node. Either way, the >> OC-OLR AVP is stripped. >>>> MCRUZ> But a relay can't be a "reacting node", can it? A relay does not read >> or understand any AVP apart from routing related AVPs. >>> SRD> Yes a relay is the reacting node for any next hop that generates >>> SRD> a >>> peer overload report. As with base DOIC, a relay must be able to handle DOIC >> AVPs, in addition to the routing AVPs. >>> MCRUZ> In DOIC this is not explicitly mentioned, and I do not see the need. >> Moreover, this changes the definition of what a relay is. >> SRD2> You are correct, it should say agent, not relay. In my mind an >> agent that is a relay can also be a reacting node by expanding the definition of >> routing related AVPs to include DOIC AVPs. I consider this valid as these AVPs, >> and the LOAD AVPs all impact routing decisions. This, however, is somewhat >> academic as the practical impact of calling an agent that is a reacting node a >> relay or a proxy isn't meaningful. >> >> SRD> I'll change the word in the above clause to agent. >> MCRUZ> Thanks Steve. I think this change applies to other places in the draft. >> >> >>>>> 8. Clause 4 >>>>> >>>>> "Any messages that survive throttling due >>>>> to host or realm reports should then go through abatement for the >>>>> peer overload report." >>>>> >>>>> There is an interaction between PEER and HOST reports. The reduction of >> traffic towards a HOST reduces as well the traffic through the agents in the path. >> This should be taken into account when applying reduction for that particular >> PEER. However, depending on the routing schema it may not be straight forward >> to identify what is the reduction for each agent path when reducing traffic >> towards a HOST. >>>> SRD> The goal of this statement is to say that when a Diameter node >>>> SRD> is >>>> applying overload abatement algorithms, the order in which active >>>> overload reports are applied is host/realm report first and then peer >>>> report. In other words, abatement is done for traffic being sent to >>>> a host and then independent abatement is done for the peer to which >>>> the request is to be routed. If these are treated as independent >>>> actions then I don't understand the issue you are raising. >>>> >>>> MCRUZ> If you think the PEER algorithm is RATE, then there is not >> interaction, as long as when PEER abatement is performed after HOST/REALM, >> it simply keeps a RATE. However, if the PEER algorithm is LOSS, when performed >> after HOST/REALM it should be stated that it is the initial traffic (before any >> HOST/REALM abatement) the one that should be taken into account. Then, I >> think a clarification is required. >>> SRD> While it is true that, as stated, the presence of a HOST LOSS >>> report and a peer LOSS report could result in extra messages being abated, I >> would prefer to keep the definition of the interaction as simple as possible and >> not change the requirement. My reasoning is that there is value in keeping it >> simple, especially given that it a self correcting scenario. The next hop will see >> more of a reduction than it was expecting and will subsequently update the >> requested reduction. If there isn't consensus on this approach we can do a >> special case on this scenario. >>> MCRUZ> I think we need to cover these cases, since having extra throttling >> even if it is compensated later will cause first unnecessary drop messages and >> second traffic oscillations. Both things should be avoided. >> SRD> How about if we add the following: >> >> Any messages that survive throttling due to host or realm reports should then >> go through abatement for the >> peer overload report. In this scenario, when doing abatement on the PEER >> report, the reacting node SHOULD >> take into consideration the number of messages already throttled by the >> handling of the HOST/REALM report abatement. >> >> Note: The goal is to avoid traffic oscillations that might result from >> throttling of messages for both >> the HOST/REALM overload reports and the PEER overload reports. This is >> especially a concern if both >> reports are of type LOSS. >> >> MCRUZ> I think this is fine. Thanks >> >> _______________________________________________ >> DiME mailing list >> DiME@ietf.org >> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/dime > _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ > > Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc > pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. 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- Re: [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-a… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-a… lionel.morand
- Re: [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-a… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-a… lionel.morand
- Re: [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-a… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-a… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-a… lionel.morand
- [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-overload… Jouni Korhonen
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Maria Cruz Bartolome
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… A. Jean Mahoney
- [Dime] FW: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Maria Cruz Bartolome
- Re: [Dime] FW: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Maria Cruz Bartolome
- [Dime] RE : Re: WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent… lionel.morand
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… A. Jean Mahoney
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Maria Cruz Bartolome
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Steve Donovan
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… Maria Cruz Bartolome
- Re: [Dime] WGLC #1 for draft-ietf-dime-agent-over… lionel.morand